Gen-X here. We used to be called “slackers” because the world we were raised to survive in had crumbled under Reagan and Bush and we saw no point in joining the clearly pointless rat race. So, through tech, we started a world wide paradigm shift. We made our own new industry and we thrived…for a while. Now Tech is as corrupt and pointless as the shit form the early nineties was.
The point is that the only way out of this hole is to burn the old ways down (again) and do something completely different (again).
PS: We’ll have to lose the billionaire class, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.
PS: We’ll have to lose the billionaire class, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.
Billionaires should be made illegal and taxed out of existence. It’s our last best chance to avoid a very ugly economic collapse.
it was…
The revolution could be bloodless if the billionaires allow it.
If billionaires voluntarily returned all their stolen power, there’d be no need to for violence ;3
Unfortunately there’s also a legion of liberals that will sacrifice their lives for The Markets and defend their billionaire lords because “We need the
churchbillionaires for society to function, what is society withoutGodbillionaires holding it together?”
Maybe it’s the racing what makes people become rats
The paradigm of the market hasn’t been shifted away from, sadly
Maybe we could keep a couple billionaires, in jars.
Jars, eh?
Are we going to slowly, collectively, fill up those jars with semen, like a gooner with an anime figurine?
Oh, so that’s why Strickland called McFly a slacker?
Mad thing is those days would be pure gravy now.
@JoMiran @originalucifer We made the technology so we could do their work and have more free time, and instead they took our free time and gave us more work.
Just was discussing this with a friend the other day. In school they taught us cursive, how to balance a checkbook, do math by hand since a calculator will rarely be around. How to develop film, going in person to ask for job applications to fill out. Using paper maps, writing physical letters and mailing them. Doing research in libraries and using encyclopedias. The Dewey Decimal System. Skiing in the snow, observing fireflies. Learning about checks and balances, democracy.
Skiing in the snow… ouch.
Yeah I miss fireflies
Yeah thank god they got rid of all the quicksand
I expected to be on fire more often, too.
I’ll spontaneously combust any day now, I’m sure of it!
Be the change you want to see in the world?
Living long enough to see the safe word that you demanded from someone who says your parents told them to pick you up become the safe word you use to confirm your video call isn’t a deepfake.
Don’t celebrate dodging the quicksand too long, or else the Africanized killer bees will catch up with us!
long live vaporwave
This is totally accurate if you live in the United States. They sun has set on the American experiment.
Realistically probably set getting on for 10 years ago, that’s probably when the process started.
I actually think it began in earnest the day those towers were hit. The response signaled the beginning of Americas decline, and the beginning of the long term plutocrat plan to loot the remains.
Yup, I don’t think the rest of the western world was too far behind either, if at all. With that said, 2001-2007 wasn’t bad.
The world we evolved to survive in has been driven into extinction.
Truly it never did
What do you guys plan on doing the next few years? Im at a loss.
I think my plan is to have consolidation of households in my family and try to survive.
But I feel no motivation to be a participant in this American way of life. This grind. This game.
We all can see what’s happening. This is the elites playing their deck in a class war. To make us feel pain again so we stop asking for more and get grateful for it. To bend the knee. To feel hunger and pain.
I don’t speak with my family. We’re looking to move friends into our house. Learning to garden. Getting everything ready.
We lost the class war because they divided us. Women hate men. Red hates blue. Young hates old. Urban hates suburban. Everyone hates each other.
wow this is an image… i don’t come from America and wasn’t around for the twin towers, but woah this gives me vibes… :o
im vrri surprised i got a reaction out of that
I sometimes wonder how different life would be if I was actually raised instead of raising myself.
If I wasn’t too busy raising my siblings I bet it would have been cool.
And thank god! They raised me all wrong, I always had existential dread and anxiety from the start so I’m adapted better to this fresh hell than to the end of liberal history I was born into.
Isn’t this true for every generation?
Not really, it’s quite a modern phenomenon
For most of human’s history, the world was largely the same between generations. There were big shifts, but they were much more gradual (the industrial revolution took place over the course of generations, for example). I’m not quite sure when that changed, but it was probably at some point after WW2 (WW2 was a drastic change itself, of course, but probably more accurate to call it a one-off event during that time period)
The world is changing so much more today, so it’s even more applicable now than before
Somehow, after a century of “development” things are still ultimately the same here.
… God damnit MBS i want fucking human rights and democracy not sportswashing.
jokes on you I never lived in that world.
haha… haha… ha…
also, take off those rose-tinted glasses. The world’s always been chaotic.
I don’t like how things are right now, and yes I’d prefer to just go a few years back, but it’s not like the past is perfectly safe or anything.
its not about safety. its about rate of change.
humans in their present form have existing for over 100,000 years. to state that the rate of change between generations has always been the same is just incredibly wrong.
Yeah. I know.