No problem, just mint coins with less silver
Brilliant, there’s no way this could possibly go wrong!
Even if, just set maximum prices.
[smell of cabbage intensifies]
Rome didn’t aggressively expand. It was very unroman to be the aggressor in a war, they only attack in self defense.
It’s not Rome’s fault that all their neighbors happen to pose a threat to Rome by having the ability to attack, forcing Rome to preemptively attack them in self defense.
The responsibility of governing the territory that was left over after their enemy’s defeat just happens to fall on Rome since nobody else was around to do it.
So very true, and it’s sad that so many polities chose to unlawfully defend themselves in the process! What else could Rome do but sack their cities and sell them into slavery for such an offense??
Lucky that those poor barbarians ran into the Romans, instead of a less generous and magnanimous people 🙏
Wow, maybe Russia is the third Rome.
Step 1: Conquer new lands.
Step 2: The soldiers demand payment.
Step 3: Conquer new lands to pay the soldiers.
I think I just discovered infinite growth!