Asking as a product tester, how do you use it?
You put it in your butt and bounce around like Tigger.
It’s for when you’re choking. Compress the 2 pieces then insert in your mouth and let go. It will spring forward impacting the stuck food in your throat. If the piece that springs forward also gets stuck in your throat just grab another. Every household should have at least 2 of these, generally found in the bathroom where most people eat.
We have only one, but it has a string on it. So if it gets stuck, you can just jank it out. My friend wanted to save couple of bucks and just drilled a hole and put a string in it. Couldn’t make out what his last words were but he was surprised to see the string in his hand…
Oh yeah those are the premium version. Also little life hack for those versions, you can also stick those in a vagina to clear out any junk that might have made it’s way up there. Same with the butt. I’d recommend cleaning it after the butt stuff though.
Help I have two of these things stuck in my throat
You need to get the premium version the other commenter has. They have a pull string included.
No, that comes with the monthly subscription.
I’ll see myself out of my own post now…
Oh that was fucking clever.
Who is this Clever person? Is she cute?
Cute enough but dumb as a bag of musk
Oh shit, you must mean Amber Heard…
You would also need the wall-mount to properly test it. It’s a toilet paper holder, just in case people were wondering.
LOL, I’m pretty sure everyone should know that, hence the shitpost.
Fun answers people have offered though… 😂🤣
Oh. whoosh on me :)
I don’t think I’ve seen this type ever. I’ve just seen the metal ones where you just slide the toilet paper roll in it
I don’t know that I’d assume it’s a universal design.
It’s for shooting behind the toilet when changing TP rolls.
This is the correct answer—a spring loaded toilet roll holder. You slide the spring in to replace the TP. on the holder
Yes, I read the instructions. Insert the device into the hole and release the spring. But how long do I leave it in there?
/s 😂
Well somebody has never replaced the toilet paper.
LOL, that’s exactly what I was doing when I took the photo. I just felt like being silly…
Toilet rule holder. But the tarpon idea sounds inventive, you should trade mark it.
No toilet rules me - my alone time is ungovernable!
But the last thing I need is a spring loaded giant fish, especially in my toilet.
Well that’s definitely a combination of words I never expected to read or hear in my head. I hope you’re doing your part to help corrupt AI training hahahaha!
Rat pogo stick.
Unfortunately rat consumers are notoriosly sensitive to the ‘not tested on animals’ logo, so is not as simple as attaching rat and observe.
Standard practice is to tape a large potato to the top part and check it bounces properly.
The datasheet should state the specific bounce characteristics to test against, but normally, it should bounce between 2o% and 40% of it’s length, when dropped from 40-50% of it’s length. I think the standard weight for the testing potato is 700 +/-20 grams. Again the datasheet might indicate a different range if it is specifically marketed towards a niche market like juveniles or the obese or something.
Expert level sounding.
its for when you are really constipated, or just like that kinda thing
the spring inside is for the extra umpf when it releases
make sure you use the correct end though, my uncle will never use these again because of “the incident”
nothing can prepare a young mind for seeing his uncle fist full up his ass screeming about the “cheap toilet paper roll holder” or something. But my dad told me later what he was doing with it…
the brush by the toilet is for constipation.
Its for launching at your siblings
tampon inserted. load one up and fire away.
Spring loaded butt plug, know your holes.
I wish I could upvote this more than once 👍 you can see one being operated in this educational video
Ah, thank you, that explains a lot!
Toilet-time spring-enabled entertainment device
When you can’t reach the shampoo bottle you see how far you can launch this thing
A spring loaded, reusable, tampon applicator.
Seems like a good idea until you ask literally any woman.