66 million
Am I so old? It was 65 million back when I was a kid.
For the last one, another alternative would be “You’re so resilient, it would take a moon sized meteorite to take you down for good.”
as someone who has tried to make a furnace to melt metals, I envy iron age people who could do it successfully (unlike me) with no fancy tools or materials
You should try having nothing else better to distract you for 12-15 years. With no books, no TV, and no internet, if you need to figure out how to build a forge, you’d figure it out eventually. Through sheer boredom if nothing else.
But how do you know how to do anything without a YouTube tutorial?
Instead of: “They’re a disgusting troglodyte” Say: They are clearly ingenious enough to recognize the utility of having a stable living environment to retreat to for protection that’s superior to any structure they could possibly build using the technology and techniques available to them at the time.