If she’s not going out now, fighting and making the case against and rallying the troops against Trump and fascism now, I’m not interested in her.
She’s done nothing to help the people who supported her after her flop. I think she’s cooked unless she comes back out of the grave in 4 years going “I’m actually cool now, right?!”
A move we call “The Hillary”
She was offering tax credits and small down payments to a population where 70% of people are paycheck to paycheck. While telling them everything is great.
She NEVER cared about the people
Oh I’m not fucking torn on it.
I think you should leave. You failed to rise to the occasion. You listened to your dipshit consultants and the party establishment and AIPAC and other moneyed interests instead of the people. There is no strike two. It’s one and done. Get the fuck out, Harris.
They are not alone in this thought.
These are clips from the show ‘I Think You Should Leave’.
I’m being downvoted for making a pertinent reference to the original comment.
lol I know, idk dude 🤷♂️
I guess the show isn’t popular enough in the community for the reference to be recognized.
Walz and AOC are the candidates worth talking about right now, because they’re the ones showing leadership.
Go away, Kamala. And Biden, along with plenty of others.
No. She wasn’t a good candidate ANY time she ran.
She ran a terrible campaign. She COULD have won. She made material decisions around who to listen to and how to campaign that prevented it.
They ran a “flawless” campaign, they says
Queen Latifa basically never endorses anyone.
Just run a white dude. Sucks to say but that’s where our imbecilic nation lays. A white dude that isn’t 100 ffs
it’s sad, but true.
The only way we are getting a woman in the White House is when MAGA convinces Ivanka to run.
This is such dumb rhetoric
How did Obama win? He ran on a platform of systemic change and healthcare reform. He made change his primary message and sent that down your throat. He didn’t deliver and he droned the shit of a bunch of kids, but that’s how he won
How did Kamala lose? Same way Hilary did. Not because they’re women. Because they ran shit neoliberal campaigns pandering to centrists and conservatives rather than trying to capture disillusioned workers who are desperate for change
Trump voters make up like 27% of voting eligible population
Things have changed dramatically since Obama. Much of it in direct response to Obama’s success.
“Women can’t win” is just an excuse to shut out AOC.
Sure, if we ignore the historical data, a woman at the top of the Democratic ticket 100% has a real shot at winning the White House.
AOC is obviously one of the only people within the party who gives a damn, and is fighting - but putting her on the ticket isn’t going to end well at this moment in history. Voters are clearly terrified to not have an old white man in the Oval Office
Sure, if we ignore the historical data, a woman at the top of the Democratic ticket 100% has a real shot at winning the White House.
During the past two times that a woman has run for president, it has been in a time in which people want change. In both cases, we’ve had a centrist candidate who represents the untenable status quo.
All the “a woman can’t win” line does is hold back all women because democrats don’t want a particular woman to be able to run.
There isn’t anything more to it.
Not even then. Magas are trying to kick women out of positions in their own party etc. Some of them are talking openly about how only strong white men can lead.
She could win if she’d get more in line with Porter policies. And keep them.
How about Buttigieg?
White straight dude. Who isn’t 100.
Secretary Mayor Pete would kill it but he could never get elected.
The sad thing is how right this is. It would take a tremendous amount of dumb luck for anyone other than a white dude to win in this political environment, as much as I’d like to see otherwise.
Do you want President Gavin Newsom, then?
Probably, look at the state of how Democrats are courting more republicans and giving every demand and cabinet pick to the Republicans.
Mark and/or Scott Kelly.
Stay the fuck home. You’ve had your shot and failed.
I’m voting Walz, he was the only other reason i was voting harris besides preventing the dictator.
How about some electoral reform so we can vote outside the 2 party system without a spoiler effect.
How about a god damned primary?
Is this a purity test to far? I guess i just feel entitled to democracy, what can i say.
No party has a vested interest in bleeding political power to another. You have to take control of the Democratic party first
No party has a vested interest in bleeding political power to another.
And yet democrats keep capitulating to republicans.
I’m pretty sure there will be primaries… People just have to fucking vote in them for once.
No. What’s going on, have you been hanging out with Hillary? Don’t do more damage.
Hot take: Walz/Harris might have won, but Harris/Walz just never stood a chance.
for leader of the peoples of the earth or of the space colonies ?
I think if all the non-voters put this much fervor and conviction into voting in primaries (all primaries, I’m not just assuming all non-voters would show up to vote left) we’d be much better off as a nation.