Civil “war”: the mighty Empire and the heroic Sotrmcloaks deployed their vast armies and the clash of the 12 guys began!
By the end of this bloody battle, there were bodies strewn as far as the (severely nearsighted) eye could see.
All killed by one dude who admittedly kept complaining about the “difficulty slider just giving them too much HP”
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Engine and hardware limitations of the time. With Skyrim SE and mods, you can actually get a hundred or so soldiers in there without crashing.
Meanwhile BG3 just has one district of Baldurs Gate available and it’s so detailed and jam packed with NPCs that it’s unstable for many people’s computers.
I mean Bethesda’s games are so full of bugs AND barren that I don’t see how this can be an actual talking point. BG3 is running just fine on my 6 year old pc
I’m not sure it’s fair to compare Skyrim and BG3. There was like 12 years of development between them, and quite a bit changed in that 12 years.
Starfield is just a reskinned Skyrim
the original meme is about skyrim, and no one mentioned starfield.
This is true, sorry lol
I had to move my co-op save to my wife’s PC to continue playing in Act 3. Three year old PC with a 3070. She would crash loading into the Lower City.
I ran it with much worse hardware. It isn’t the power of the hardware that was the issue (unless you didn’t try turning settings down). Something else must have caused the crash besides power. Maybe not enough RAM or too slow of a CPU or potentially maybe loading from an HDD and it was too slow? It could also just be a bug with the specific hardware configuration in that computer.
It’s a bug within BG3 while multi-player. This is the fix: host on the crashing side.
I’m a RTX 2080 user and everything is ok here. I’ve had more crashes on starfield than bg3 and have had to revert to earlier saves due to broken mechanics which I’m used to in the Bethesda style of things
You playing at 4k res or something? 3070 is more than powerful enough for 1440p.
Coop in BG3 is fairly buggy (split screen specifically) , I played with my wife close to launch and we ran into all sorts of performance issues and bugs on a high end PC. Still a great game though, but you can tell that split screen didn’t get a lot of love during development
I love BG3. It’s a very different game from Skyrim though. After all, that city is basically a third of the game. Plus BG3 has all kinds of travel and camera limitations that Skyrim doesn’t. That’s what lets them make the city truly seem like a sprawling city.
By comparison, Skyrim basically lets you go everywhere and it has a far larger map. Skyrim chose the “big as an ocean, shallow as a puddle” approach when it comes to map design. Though NPCs are actually deeper than BG3. Skyrim NPCs have lifes, while BG3 is frozen in a moment.
I don’t know Skyrim wasn’t that shallow. It’s not like most of its locations are window dressing like in an assassin’s creed game. Almost the entire map had somewhat meaningful encounters and mini story arcs
Yeah you’re right. I do think that in comparison to BG3 it’s very shallow, but in a vacuum or in comparison to many other games it’s actually quite deep
There were many spots in Skyrim that were so pretty that I found myself just stopping and staring like I’d do in real life at scenic spots.
The first time you enter the Ratway and you encounter that weirdly beautiful scene of the woodcutter’s axe stuck in the stump?
I’d go to the top of the magician guild’s tower in snow storms and just look around.
Still lacks a lot of buildings. BG2 had a more detailed city.
If Bethesda made the Battle at Helms Deep it would be a dozen orcs and one human NPC to help you.
Without modifications, Starfields combat AI is set to 20 active users, so youd get a clunky 10v10 at best, but really its probably going to be 15 orcs vs 5 allies and the player character
You’re certainly doing a great job at making me feel that Starfield isn’t exactly a huge loss to the PlayStation.
Its not the worst game in existance or anything, IMO its almost a straight up upgrade from FO4 in almost all aspects. The biggest problem imo is they fumbled the biggest aspect, exploration, ironically in a space game.
It leaves you feeling sorta like Yooka Laylee, who had most of the Rareware team who made the N64 platformers, well except the stage designer, who was still working at Rare at the time iirc. The Stage design was Yooka Laylees worst aspect.
FO4 is a pretty low bar
Yeah. I’ve got a Steam Deck too, so, still probably pick it up sometime when it’s in sale, after I finish up playing some classic Might and Magic.
It’s not. It’s fine, but not a must-play by any means.
Relevant Viva La Dirt?
With the quality memes I barely notice I’m on Lenny anymore.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You just loaded in on a Nokia and are awaiting an update
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This applies to Pokemon really well too.
First time I saw the big city in Pokemon Black/White I thought “This is the future of gaming”.
Yknow… even going into 3D the “big” cities haven’t felt as actually big as Castellia did. I think the amount of places you could go into and secrets you could find in it really helped.
Or you could have sprawling mazes of mostly empty towns with mostly filler npcs like everquest.
Nothing like spending an hour lost just to step into the wrong alley way and insta die.
Navigating Qeynos and Freeport before maps were made, accidentally attacking your guild master and adding your corpse to the pile by falling off of Kelethin bridges due to lag were a right of passage.
I always assumed that NPCs represented mroe than one actual citizen, because otherwise the world would become far to cluttered, and teh system requirements far to high to manage literally thousands of NPCs that exist for no reason.
It’s also been Bethesda’s MO that every named NPC has to have a quest associated with them.
That’s just not true and I don’t know what dimension you pulled that out of
I can’t think of a single named NPC which is not a part of some quest in Skyrim. Can you?
You’re aware nearly every npc has a name I wager? Those who aren’t are typically guards or bandits, half the NPCs in any given tavern have names but don’t have quests associated with them
Yeah, from a historical perspective it makes sense to cut down. Maybe not really as of Skyrim and later games, though. GTA games, including ones almost a decade older than Skyrim, manage to have a fairly reasonably high “population” of NPCs.
GTA and Skyrim are very different games and therefore need a different approach. GTA has some key characters which drive the story. The other NPCs are ‘set dressing’: fairly simple, nothing interesting to say, don’t have a home. They are just spawned in where needed. Skyrim has a different approach. Except soldiers/guards pretty much every NPC has a ‘life’: they have daily routines, unique voice lines, a place to sleep and go there every night - except they are on a quest themselves.
GTA and Skyrim go for a different feeling, which is why they need different solutions.
I recall ages ago having read a theory about this concept of compression. That most game worlds that we see aren’t literal, but rather are compressions of the world that characters experience. A city that we see might have just 5 streets, but that’s just the city being compressed to a manageable size. For what characters experience, there’d be hundreds of streets. And same thing for NPCs, as you put it. We mostly only see the important NPCs and a small sample of others, but there’s many NPCs that really are there for story telling purposes, they just aren’t shown.
It’s a really good technique if pulled off well. After all, it’s really hard to have cities in game. You have to do something to limit it. Either padding it out, making most of it unvisitable, “compressing” it, or… just not having cities. Every option has downsides, but at least the compression approach optimizes for gameplay and your time.
We don’t actually want big, vast cities.
Starfield proves that with New Atlantis. Its annoyingly huge, spread out pointlessly (for gameplay purposes, obviously a capital city is going to be huge lore/realistically), and is all around irritating to find stuff in… As an example
We want cities that feel big and vast, while being manageable and navigable for players playing a game.
We want cities that feel that are full of life and bristling with NPCs, without actually having so many NPCs that that you’d need a cray supercomputer to process it all.
Maybe it will be interesting to someone: what you see on the left is an artwork of Aldis, biggest city in a tabletop RPG called Blue Rose. As opposed to classic swords & sorcery, Blue Rose is in romantic fantasy genre.
Interesting! I’ve never heard of it. Have you played it?
Yes. I’m not the biggest fun of the rules but I truly love the setting - it is very evocative and inspiring in many ways. Highly recommend to read. The artstyle is gorgeous.
If you like D&D 5e there is an official conversion for that ruleset. Haven’t played it though
Agent Desmond can’t tell us about the blue rose.
I hated quests that required killing an NPC because the game felt empty enough already. I would actually use cheats to resurrect NPCs afterwards just to have more bodies moving around.
I will give them credit for giving the NPCs homes and schedules. I love it when games have the NPCs actually live their lives like work, sleep, go to taverns, etc. You lose immersion in a game when the NPCs are perpetually glued to one spot.
am i the only person who rememberes cities in the witcher 3???
what the fuck happened since then man no game even red dead 2 came close
What are you talking about? RDR2 has at least one big bustling port city, and the rest is literally a frontier
Is your username a spoiler tag or does my app have problems displaying your username?
Or randomly generated so that they feel less like they belong.
That would be cool too. Random NPCs that you only see occasionally. Skyrim did have traveling merchants which was a nice touch. I’d like to see more of that. You could also have people who lived in the country show up on market days in town.
One on the right is from New Vegas actually and its where I get “love and hate” for my unarmed build 🤓🤓🤓🤓
I should probably play that game one of these days.
You definitely should, it’s a fantastic game. I’ve just been replaying it myself.
For better or for worse, its one of the best games ever made and Bethesda might never live up to it again
Bethesda didn’t make New Vegas.
Doesn’t mean they’ll live up to it tho, reply guy
Debatable, Bethesda published and funded it, though of course Obsidian actually developed it
If you haven’t played FO3 then play with Tale of Two Wastelands starting with FO3
This is more accurate to starfield which I got bored of pretty quickly compared to skyrim
Yep. The cities in starfield look huge but they are completely empty. All their size does is make you walk longer. Nothing happens on the way
well what people have been wanting is bigger cities, stuff that actually looks like the lore says
Bigger cities are great. They just need to be filled with things.
The mods make it gooder
Don’t forget the impenetrable wall of loading around each “city”