My paternal grandparents were so not like this. Even though they grew up in a post WW II Germany. I think they realized, either consciously or subconsciously “hey, this kid grows up in a world where there’s enough food, they do not need to worry. If they want to play with it or waste some of it, it’s a privilege and we are happy for them”
I had a dirt-poor phase in my early adulthood, there was a time where I only ate whatever could be scavenged on my dumpster diving tours + cheap pasta. I try to handle it like my grandparents and be empathetic and understanding towards friends who leave leftovers on their plate or have a, ehm, laid-back approach of handling food that tends to spoil easily. Deep down it hurts me so much to see it though.
Good on you and your grandparents. You’re preventing child obesity.
What about the trigger finger rule, Grandma?
You should have your finger on a trigger when you’re ready to shoot. Leave those stupid rules to posh Americans posing with guns thinking that makes them cool :)
Gramma about to get neck punched by the slide, just make sure you aren’t the first one she tries to shoot
Grandma’s making her intentions clear.
Call an ambulance!
But not for me.