Is this a picture taken off a tv screen?
ETA: I’m not complaining, this place needs as much T’pol as it can get and this is a lovely template.
Good lord, is she always that stunningly pretty?
I’ve never watched more than a few episodes of Enterprise. Is it worth the investment? Is there a cut of it with that godforsaken theme song removed, or replaced with something more palatable like two dozen screaming goats?
Love it or hate it, almost every Trek series has its eye-candy characters who keep us from revolting when the writers drop the ball. T’Pol did about as much heavy lifting in that department as Seven, and I’m pretty OK with that.
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I’ve said before that anyone who had an issue with Seven being added to sexy up Star Trek should take another look at the Yeoman uniforms in TOS or Deanna in a lot of TNG.
I mean Deanna is by far my biggest issue with TNG
Never has the “skip intro” button received as much action as when I watched Enterprise.
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Getting from where you sit to where the remote is
I had forgot. Didn’t it get a little edgier in the later seasons?
It did. Quality also improved drastically, but it was too late to avoid the axe. Finale wasn’t great though.
It’s coming back to me. I remember having a great time hating on it in the beginning, but it really grew on me. Scott Bakula is a giant dork and I’m down with that.
Getting from there to here…
Jolene Blalock? Yes. Watch Enterprise if you want to see her butt. :D
Hey, some of us are proud to have faith of the heart!
But I understand. There are fan edits on YouTube that use the credits theme (Archer’s Theme) as the title theme and it works really well. You could do an audio swap on your own rips with an app like Handbrake.
Hey, some of us are proud to have faith of the heart!
And no one’s gonna bend or break you
It does grow on you after a bit though
Enterprise is a TV adaptation of a children’s Star Trek story that LeVar Burton read on Reading Rainbow.
I also liked it overall. But they did not spare the cheese.
Me upon seeing this particular meme, more then any other risa post: “i should really start watching star trek”
Like most Star Trek, the first couple seasons are a bit rough. The problem is they killed off Enterprise after only 4 seasons, meaning the ratio of good to bad isn’t great. And the series finale is god awful. Still, I liked it more than Voyager.
But 3 is the worst season. They should have ended it after 2.
I agree, once it gets to be all about the temporal Cold War it’s kind of bleh.
I do like some time travel in my Star Trek.
I don’t really want a little Star Trek in my time travel
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Here’s the clip. It’s from the morning after they’ve had sex:
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Cold wind is slow-moving particles hitting you at high speed.
The winds of winter do move slowly…
Well akshually...
…what is measured is the average kinetic energy (mass times speed squared divided by two), so if you multiply by two times the Boltzmann constant divided by the particle’s mass and take the square root, yes, you do get the particle speed (assuming all the particles have the same mass and speed, which they don’t lol)
nice meme tho
Actually actually Temperature is expressed as the inverse of the rate of change of entropy with internal energy, which in normal materia in normal states translate to average particles speed, but in extreme cases entropy can start to decrease with increasing energy and vice versa
Yep, entropy is the key word here. Amount of different possible states -> “random” vectors of inertia + particles speed -> higher temperature. If all the particles were going in the same direction -> lack of different states -> low entropy (which can still be high energy, but measured as low temp). AKA what laser cooling does.
I’m taking cell biophysics right now and your comment is triggering me.
The more precisely momentum is known, the less precisely is its position known and vice versa. As for how temperature affects these measurements, the velocity of atoms and molecules isnt a sharp peak but a probability distribution whose maximum shifts toward higher velocities as the average temperature increases.
IIUC extremely cold substances turn into so-called Bose-Einstein condensates because their temperature (hence speed) is so tightly controlled that their location becomes more “spread out” in terms of probability. And you can’t fix its location without raising the temperature.
Sort of. It has to do with certain matter (they have to be neutral bosons i.e particles with integer spin and no overall charge) being so cold that there arent really any higher energy quantum states for things to be in. So everything is essentially in the same state and functionally indistinguishable. Which is why not everything can form a bose einstein condesate.
It is a combination, if the particles’ positions don’t overlap then you don’t have a condensate, but at low enough energy and close proximity these particles will overlap
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So speedometers are just thermometers for cars?
They measure how hot the engine is. The more hot, the more vroom.
Not if you run on methanol!
Wait, you run on methanol? I just drink coffee
Never thought of it that way. So when I have a fever, my forehead is running faster than my feet