My favorite food is bulk seafood rejected by China over misplaced fears of radioactivity. The half life is how you know it’s fresh.
misplaced fears of radioactivity.
The half life is how you know it’s fresh.
Would you please make up your mind?
Either way, I lean towards you being right the first time and afaik Japan has some of the absolute best seafood in the world, so China are missing out big-time!
Pretty sure they were making a joke. “The X adds flavor” is an old one at that doesnt even have to be about polution. I remember my uncle cutting himself while making burgers once and some of the blood hitting the grill and saying the same thing.
Who will win this war? Can the US army eat as much seafood as the Chinese population?
I see a Japanese game show in the making! Add some scantily clad women and a sumo wrestler farting in the face of the losers of each round and we have a hit!
There’s no way the entire Chinese population is dependent on Japan alone for their seafood.
no, idk why but so many americans are disgusted by fish lol
iT hAs BoNeS iN iT!!!1
Good choice (in flavor, at least; I have no idea the costs involved). Seafood here is fantastic.
I have no doubt that even the fish in Japanese rations is fresher than most of the fresh fish I can get here (northern Europe)
what are you on about, northern Europe is famous for fishing
Yes, but who has the most famous seafood culture? Scandinavia or japan?
We’re famous for eating a lot of fish, but not for high quality of it. Japan treats it’s tuna like texas treats it’s cattle.
We mass fish salmon, cod and plaice and sell it to the rest of Europe at dumping prices.
Japan has good fish, we have lots of fish.
There is something fishy about this.
Why not send some of that sweet sweet surplus Japanese fish over here to the mainland US? Afraid of lowering food prices in general? Screw that. Groceries are still absurdly expensive for us plebs, but sure, send all this food to the military. $800 billion a year clearly isn’t enough to satiate them. Don’t worry about all the civilians who can’t afford their meals.