Draft dodging piece of shit tries telling me, a left leaning veteran of the US Marine Corps, that I am vermin…on veteran’s day. Yeah, get fucked, asshole.
Seconded by a left leaning army veteran.
3rd’ed by lefty Air Force retiree
I feel like he forgets we vowed to defend this nation against domestic enemies. Yeah my weapons are my voice and my vote instead of an M-16 (been out a long while), but I will still defend this country with every fiber of my being.
Obligatory :
Thank you for servicing me, Marine.
don’t forget that he also called you a sucker
And a loser
He said everyone in arlington Cemetery is a loser, and that he questions whether the allied forces were the good guys…
If you’re not voting for him/paying him he couldn’t possibly care less about how you feel or what you think.
Great Leadership Qualities™®© in that there Trump fella I tells you hwat…
I swear if he had a “runs on dunkin” motto it would be something like “runs on hatred.”
Thank you for your service and showing what true patriotism means (as opposed to “Patriotism™️”)
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“This vermin must be destroyed. The Jews are our sworn enemies, and at the end of this year there will not be a Jew left in Germany.” — Hitler, 1939
“We will root out the Communists, Marxists … and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within … our country.” — Trump, today
Not just that, Hitler also wanted leftist purged… and did. Because leftists were the primary group opposing him.
The Nazis started with the leftists.
I think people are misinterpreting your comment as “the Nazis originated from leftists” versus what I think you meant, that the Nazis went after leftists first after getting into power.
Before. They were in street brawls with leftists early on and they consolidated power in the night of long knives by killing their left flank and “sexual deviant” members. When they came to power they built the camps for criminals and justified mass executions using the disabled and “sexual deviants”.
You are right
Appropriate the name of your biggest obstacle, run under a false campaign and just flip like we’ve already seen practiced. It’s the biggest issue with blind voters
And sexual ‘deviants’.
“Let’s find a middle ground with republicans” - Every out of touch undecided voter.
“Look, Trump wants 100% of the power and to send 100% of the people on the left into camps. Why don’t you compromise by giving him 50% of the power and then he’ll only send 50% of you to camps? … Now he has 50% and wants 100%, you should compromise and give him 75%…”
(And I say this as someone who thinks compromise can be a useful political tool. But only when the group you’re compromising with is bargaining in good faith. The Republicans of today - and certainly MAGAs like Trump - aren’t bargaining in good faith.)
That’s been the only kind of compromise for decades, to the point that people behave as though this is normal.
I miss clippy memes all of a sudden.
Ok I can agree with the republicans that there’s an existential threat to the country from within, I just think it’s the people marching with swastikas and whose candidates slip in a sonnenrad to campaign videos.
I want communism, sure, but I want to convince my country to embrace the seizure of the means of production, not to force it to.
Pure hitlerism
But he’s being taken out of context!1! /s
The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave, than the threat from within.
I never thought I’d agree with the Orange Bellend but here we are. I guarantee we’re referring to different people though.
Thats always his thing, he tried to interfere with the election? the prosecution is election interference. He committed fraud in NY? The GA is the fraud… Hes the worst threat of our times against democracy? No the people pointing it out are the actual threat, lmao. And so on its always somewhere in his whinny drivel. Impressive
I’d love for these asshats to be made to define what they mean by a “Communist”, etc.
My very conservative mother (who I no longer speak to) once got mad at Amazon, as in Amazon.com the capitalist empire, and said that they were “the most communist thing ever.” Communists are whoever makes you mad or whoever the alt right media claims they are. Or something like that.
Oh, and sorry to hear about your mother. I suspect conservatism has destroyed more than a few family relationships.
I know, the weird pivot to hating on things like Amazon or “Big Tech” has been a strange turn. I mean, I know the cons like baby hands are pretending to be populist, but really? A lot of the base seem to be nothing but reprogrammable meatbots. If the likes of baby hands or tuckems or whatever tell them that these modern-day robber barons are “Communist” they’ll buy it. I mean some of them probably even think Elon is in on the Communist plot because of the EV and solar thing.
This, after years and years and decade upon decade of them pulling the Worthington’s Law on anyone criticizing the elite. That’s exactly what they pull for baby hands. But for “Big Tech” it suddenly is bad to amass billions of dollars because they have been told Big Tech - which has help to prop up and propagate literal Nazi content - has been busily censoring conservative speech (lol).
Worthington’s Law: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vudnMLzZjTg
Uh oh, going to piss off his fascist base. I know he’s trying to associate it with just the left.
He should start rooting out the fascists with himself
Trump is accidentally right about the threat coming from inside this country. It absolutely is. But if he wants to see the threat, he needs to look in the mirror and look at his supporters - not at the left.
If you follow the sentence structure, it actually reads like he is pledging to root out the assorted groups mentioned… to steal / cheat on elections… and to do anything possible to destroy America. That’s pretty much in line with his past efforts, so I have to wonder if this is intentional Doublespeak.
Ahhh ReD!!! IM ScAREd!
Ah yes, more dehumanizing language from the person threatening to deploy the military against the people, and to put people he’s dehumanized into massive camps. What could go wrong?
Edit: just a reminder that Hitler’s rose to power by promising to make Germany great again.
Also that the Rwandan genocide was preceded by Hutus by calling the Tutsi minority “vermin” and “cockroaches”
Basically every act of mass violence begins with dehumanizing the enemy. Even well meaning people will be like “oh so he says inflammatory stuff, so what.” These words like ‘vermin’ are a specific call to action.
People - most especially the corporate media - had better start waking the fuck up and stop presenting the election of 2024 as if it’s a normal one. There is much more on the line than a GD horse race here.
This asshole means to do real damage to this country if he manages to slime his way into office again.
Corporate media like corporate everything else, is just fine with fascism as long as they can continue to extract rent from the peasants.
I doubt they’ll be immune to Trump’s rampage if he gets back into office. He’ll be out for the blood of anyone who ever reported on him in a negative way. CNN, NY Times, MSNBC, etc will likely have their offices raided due to criminal prosecutions. The crime? Criminal defamation of Lord Trump.
But in true “First they came for” fashion, they’ll keep acting as though this is all normal until they get rounded up. Then, they’ll expect the rest of us to stand up for them. Sadly, by that point, we’ll likely be in camps/prisons ourselves.
Yes, they will be one of the first at risk. People like baby hands and his cult don’t and won’t care that they are actually very corporate/conservative outlets; they were told they are “liberal”.
Corporate media won’t profit from that though. They stand to gain a lot more by letting horrible things happen then fear mongering us into more views.
Genocide is temporary. Corporations are forever.
But seriously, everyone should be getting louder. Don’t wait for someone else to expose hateful rhetoric
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Great quote, I should actually read that sometime
It’s good but I think 1984 was a better read. It sucks that the book has basically become a meme online, it’s actually quite good
Hey familiar rhetoric:
And it’s not like this is just Godwin’s Law on a guy who just uses dark language, he’s familiar with the rhetoric too:
Coolcoolcoolcoolcool. So…looks like Hitler is back in town.
Looks like Hitler is back on the menu, boys
Yeah, Trump probably sides with Palestine.
The weird thing is that the US far-right will often support Israel, even if they are Jewish, I think because they are seen as whiter compared to Arab people like Palestinians. And for fundamentalist Christians there is some prophecy about Israel bringing the end-times to save humanity or whatever.
It’s amazing you that you don’t see the stupidity of this comment.
What are you getting at?
Seriously? The far-right are called literal nazis, you know, the group that hated Jews so much they wanted them eradicated from the earth. It’s an argument that completely falls apart when applied to actual scenarios, such as your comment. You think there are Americans that hate Jews so much they want them all dead, except when those Jews need support against another adversary that also wants them all dead? How can you rationally come to that conclusion? Like, nazis are putting their agenda on hold because there’s darker people to go after? That’s some pretty stupid thinking.
It’s not a conclusion I reached it’s a statistical fact. Look at who in the US supports Israel, I’m not just talking about Nazis but the right-wing in general, which includes Nazis, not all of them obviously, they support Israel for now but hope to eradicate them later. Look into radical Christian beliefs on Israel and the doomsday.
How is this not inciting violence and hatred?
It’s certainly making me want to commit violence. Just not against who he is intending.
Yeah I really want to just give him the full Richard spencer
At least he didn’t say we are deplorable. That would have been front page news. /s
find me a fucking leftist in this country please. I know 6 and they’re instagram meme accounts.
Hard left here. Exhausted.
No war but the class war.
my (wo?)man
Muh dude.
Mah comrade
Libleft. I’ve all but given up on the federal level, and the only reason I have any hope at all for the state is because it’s California. These days, I’m trying to get shit done at the local level.
Do syndicalists count? Because I’m one of those
You bet your bippy it counts, comrade!
I feel like there are a lot of us that just aren’t open about it because so many people have ignorant views about socialism, we’d rather save ourselves the headache. Or maybe worried of an employer judging it and getting fired, or police investigating, which US and other security forces have been known to do to leftists of all types.
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this didn’t stop him the first time
He wasn’t very thorough if ‘it didn’t stop him’ the country is still 65% vermin.
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Let’s hope you are right
His victory last time was entirely due to Hillary being a weak candidate and exploiting Cambridge Analytica’s illegal/immoral data scraping to tailor his message in swing regions.
While his base is more riled up this time, I’m pretty sure they are smaller, and many moderates that took a chance on him would never make that mistake again.
At least IMO. I guess we’ll see.
His supporters fully believe his win was stolen the first time. If he does lose the election, that will not be the end of it. It seems like the real die hard supporters aren’t even aiming for a legitimate electoral win of any kind even if rigged, just pure coup. They are a tiny minority, but authoritarian governments are often supported and put in place by a small minority of the people.
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While I hope you’re right, we also can’t get complacent. I remember thinking Trump had no chance in 2016 also.
I don’t care, I’m going to vote anyway.
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I wasn’t clear in my comment. I meant that I dont care if the polls show my favored guy winning in a landslide, I’m still voting.
Complacency is what I think happened in 2016.
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Very Christian of him
first they came for the
come on. everyone knows the next word. lets say it together.
… I’m disappointed
Then they came for the