• How on earth are people not totally repulsed by Altman? Capitalist to the core. Gross to see all his employees drank the kool aid too. I work in tech, but non-profit side, so I sometimes forget just how driven by money the tech sector is. Altman is a fucking bond villain at this point.

    • @anachronist@midwest.social
      61 year ago

      I suspect that the employees were made to understand that their careers would be damaged by not going with Altman. That’s the most obvious explanation for Ilya’s defection and complete about-face (and now public begging for forgiveness) over the weekend.

    • @spaduf@slrpnk.net
      41 year ago

      They were probably more swayed by the loss of their upcoming payout than any love for Altman. Increasingly sounds like Ilya just bungled the timing

  • blaine
    91 year ago

    Thereby proving everything the board feared about him. Good riddance.