OpenAI chief scientist and board member Ilya Sutskever reportedly likes to burn effigies and lead ritualistic chants at the company.

    • Blue and Orange
      2910 months ago

      OpenAI employees don’t really exist, everything that has been going on is just a rogue AI fucking with us!

  • MxM111
    2510 months ago

    So when you eat bread which after incantations supposed to be a body of a demigod, you are a good catholic, but when you burn effigy representing “unaligned” AI, you are suddenly a nut?

      3310 months ago

      Honestly, I believe it.

      I have worked at an amazon warehouse. Bezos was never referred to as anything but Jeff and every day during the stretches we would be told how impressed Jeff was with how well we were doing.

      At Costco, we would have daily meetings. At least twice a month the assistant manager would interject to remind everybody that they had once had lunch with the original CEO. There was also this strange creation myth of how the company was able to dominate the grocery industry within less time than everybody else. It involved the CEO inventing a new way to filet a Chinook salmon or something like that.

      Cult behavior is surprisingly strong within corporate America.

      1810 months ago

      Usually a good idea to take early reporting with a grain of salt. Thorough investigation to get to sound conclusions takes a long-ass time, where drama, rumors and propaganda are much, much faster.

      I mean, it’s clearly a meltdown of some sort, but going to need some more corroboration here to really know wtf is actually going on. Not anonymous corroboration either, ideally.

      10 months ago

      It could be worse, and tech startups like this can have some weird practices. One company I worked at literally burned tech debt. They wrote it down and burned it. (It never really fixed the core problems either. Imagine that.)

      Tech startups can be a little cultish at times. I have seen super healthy cult behavior and also super weird cult behavior. Motivating younger engineers can be a challenge, so if it works, whatever. (I never cared about that kind of stuff as long as I got free food.)

      As long as nothing turns religious or harmful, I don’t care. Good engineers can be some very unique people and most likely have some kind of underlying mental disorder. (I am absolutely not being derogatory! Without a doubt, I am in that category of engineer as well, but I am much older and restrained these days.)

        10 months ago

        In my experience the engineers usually hate the motivational bullshit that managers dream up because they have too much time and no actual skills. The best thing you can do is give the engineers a bit of respect and some quiet time to do their work.

          210 months ago

          It’s wildly variable who likes that stuff or not, in my experience. If there is purpose behind it and it’s mildly healthy, it can lean more on acceptance’ish. To your point, complete outlandish bullshit does get disregarded quickly. (I have seen both scenarios but I also did a bad job of expressing that the landscape of personality types is massive.)

    • Unaware7013
      110 months ago

      Behind the Bastards has a pretty good episode on him, pretty sure Aleister Crowley shows up.

        110 months ago

        Are you thinking of last podcast on the left? I see btb did the jack parson anti-christ story, but came at it from the L Ron Hubbard angle.

        • Unaware7013
          110 months ago

          So you had me doubt myself, especially when the first thing I found when searching for the episode was the STDWYTK episode on him, but it looks like I’m half right. Turns out Parsons was the co-lead of one of the LRH episodes, which is the one I was thinking of: How L. Ron Hubbard Made An Antichrist Using Sex Magic

          Robert is joined by DJ Danl Goodman to discuss Jack Parsons and Black Magic Scientology.

  • Yewb
    210 months ago

    We are witnessing first hand the birth of technology god, tangible and all knowing, how could it not be a god?