Strong move Moldova. The EU is behind you.
FYI you can get around Reuters paywall simply by using ublock origin. You have to go into the extension settings, tick Advanced User, click the cogs and then change FilterAuthorMode to “true”. After this, you’ll be able to filter different elements from domains, kind of like how umatrix does. If you disable 1st party scripts and reload the page you’ll clear the paywall. The one downside is you also lose photos on the page, but they don’t really add much to most stories.
Alternatively you can find the version of it, but that takes longer.
It does not take longer to use archive, just put in front of any url.
But it loads sloooooooow.
Also and all its aliases actively sabotages DNS queries coming from alternate DNS services (eg Cloudfire, Quad9, etc). So it doesn’t load at all for me. is the proper one run by Internet Archive, aka the Way Back Machine. However you can’t just type a URL for that one, as their URLs include the date and time of each snapshot, eg
What are they going to do, invade Moldova? They already are in the Transnistria region. One of Russia’s objectives for the invasion of Ukraine was to link up with Russian forces in Moldova. Instead, the Russian forces in Moldova don’t have a way to rotate out. Ukraine took control of much of the Black Sea and blocked the land bridge through their country.
I could be wrong, but I believe Moldova is dependent on Russian oil for most of their energy including heating. But double check.
Somewhere in the Kremlin there’s got to be at least one person who goes home at night and thinks to themselves, “WTF kind of Mickey Mouse operation have I dedicated my life’s work to? Is this really my legacy? Are they going to tell my grandchildren, ‘Dedushka served his country by drafting many menacing yet ultimately hollow threats while the world collectively rolled their eyes.’?”