It’s similar enough to a real bill for the distributors to be charged under 18 U.S. Code § 475 (Imitating US notes for advertising).
They’re too dumb to realize that it will have the opposite effect. It won’t work like “omg i got an ad for [CANDIDATE X] instead of $20, gonna vote for him!!”
deleted by creator
Oh America, come on:
end (and stop exporting) that vicious tipping culture of yours. Just pay decent wages to people in customer service.
change the design of yours bills, make them easily recognizable, with different colors and sizes like normal curencies.
take religion out of the money.
and since I’m at it, end gun culture and disarm your people. Also SUVs, end that too. And introduce controlled prices in health services, regulate, regulate, regulate, till it becomes a functional system affordable by everyone.
Thanks. I would love you so much more.
Tipping isn’t bad. Being underpaid is bad. If we as consumers want to add a little more for good service, I don’t see a problem.
Make dollar coins a thing again.
Remove presidents too.
Guns are for weak people. 100% of gun owners I know are massive cowards. Tell your friends. If we can’t get legislation, maybe we can change the culture. SUVs are fine, it’s the massive pickup trucks that are getting out of hand. Give us the Hilux already, and make it electric. Healthcare should be universal and single-payer. End the health insurance industry.
We are trying…
Edit: Please tell me why you disagree, don’t just downvote me. Downvote is not a “disagree” button. I’m just trying to share my thoughts the best I can.
Tipping had devolved from customers saying “I’ll give something extra for extra service” to restaurants saying “since you pay for the food, why don’t you pay for the staff too?”
Only real way to get rid of this culture is to ban it to start. Workers need to demand living wages at the same time as ban comes into effect.
Only real way to get rid of this culture is to ban it to start.
A ban would be a bit extreme. Is tipping banned anywhere?
For me, the fix is to establish a fixed tip like some parts of Europe used to have. E.g. $1—2 per person for good service regardless of bill. This would accomplish two things:
- The tip cannot be an income supplement (thus wages increase if the resto wants to have staff)
- There is still a quality control signal in place
Tipping isn’t bad. Being underpaid is bad. If we as consumers want to add a little more for good service, I don’t see a problem.
The two are at odds with each other; that’s the problem.
I think in this case, “banned” is referring to “paying workers below minimum hourly wage because they’re expected to make up the difference by convincing our patrons to generously donate +20% of their dinner bill”, not “citizens will be fined/incarcerated if they give someone money of their own free will”
That would make sense, but then why did they follow that with “Workers need to demand living wages at the same time as ban comes into effect”?
Because it logically follows. If the businesses have to stop relying on customers to pay their employees what they are worth. Someone should have to pay their employees a valid living wage. And that logically would be the company.
Lost me at guns, everything else I agree with.
I got kinda lost w/the religion and money bullet. It’s a bit abstract. Is that about churches escaping taxation?
No. In God we trust is on all our money for some stupid reason.