Hello fellow Indian. This is very similar to my linguistic capabilities if you substitute Japanese for the bit of French I learnt in school / college 30 years ago. Ok, I can’t really follow someone when they speak French, but I can read it well enough even now.
Nice. I know every language is pretty difficult mostly, but as someone who’s had a hard time learning Hindi after realising it uses the same script and yet is a different language from Marathi, French just blows my fucking mind.
In my experience, it was reasonably simple to learn how to read / write French. We had it in school for 3 years and then college for a couple of years. The emphasis was on reading / writing and not so much on speaking / listening, though I remember we had to recite some French poetry once. The teacher’s ears must have fallen of hearing our impeccable accents :D
Definitely is. I forgot the actual name of the writing style, but for children’s books it is also not uncommon to have kanji with their hiragana transliteration above/beside it. Requiring someone to immediately write kanji when they learn japanese, especially as a secondary+ language is insane
Well, as an Indian with a love for anime, I speak 3 languages and am learning a 4th (Japanese).
मुळात माझी मातृभाषा मराठी आहे. आणि मी बरीच वर्ष महाराष्ट्रातच राहिलीय…
लेकिन school और दोस्तों के वजह से हिंदी भी बोल लेता है. और तो और, इन दोनो की लिपी एक जैसी ही होने के कारण पढणे मे भी दिक्कत नही आति.
And I plan on learning more soon 🙃.
That’s just one language - the language of funny symbols.
idk they look pretty nice, nicer than English i’d say. they both are different languages but use the same transcript or something?
OPs comment contains four languages, my reply was a joke.
No u.
El Psy Kongroo! Nice name 😉
Hello fellow Indian. This is very similar to my linguistic capabilities if you substitute Japanese for the bit of French I learnt in school / college 30 years ago. Ok, I can’t really follow someone when they speak French, but I can read it well enough even now.
Bonjour, aimez-vous les croissants?
Un peu, mais je prefere les baguettes
(and also I just realized I totally don’t know how to make acute / grave accents on my keyboard, if that’s possible at all with an en-US layout)
Here, you can copy-paste: é è ê ë à â ï î ô ù û ç 😉
AYEEEEE wassup bruh.
Does a namaste, then raises hand for high five
Nice. I know every language is pretty difficult mostly, but as someone who’s had a hard time learning Hindi after realising it uses the same script and yet is a different language from Marathi, French just blows my fucking mind.
In my experience, it was reasonably simple to learn how to read / write French. We had it in school for 3 years and then college for a couple of years. The emphasis was on reading / writing and not so much on speaking / listening, though I remember we had to recite some French poetry once. The teacher’s ears must have fallen of hearing our impeccable accents :D
This feels like I’m playing No Man’s Sky. Just a bunch of symbols I don’t recognize and then the word “school” in the middle without context hahaha.
In all seriousness, good for you. That’s very impressive. I’m only bilingual with a basic understanding of a third language.
lmao. I feel you.
Thanks man. I’m barely able to read at present…
Also, that’s pretty cool dude! Nice.
Weebs around the world uniting all cultures and creeds.
Please use more kanji lol, it feels weird seeing words that are commonly written in kanji in hiragana.
Perfectly acceptable for beginners to write in kana. Many of my students here primarily write in kana until up to 6th grade.
Definitely is. I forgot the actual name of the writing style, but for children’s books it is also not uncommon to have kanji with their hiragana transliteration above/beside it. Requiring someone to immediately write kanji when they learn japanese, especially as a secondary+ language is insane
Furigana I believe
日本語のうりょうくしけんがんばってね!ぼくはそのしけんのためにぜんぜんべんきょうしないので、むずかしさわかりません。 もし、日本へりょこうしたいなら、外来語はとっても大切だと思ういますよ。かたかなをよめなければ、何も分かりませんでした。
あ。。。どうもね。 そうですね。。。たいへんですね。。。 ぼくはごいとぶんぽうがとてもへたですよ。。。 かたかなきらいですから、あまりしらないよ。。。
Yoo i kinda can understand the jp one lol.