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In his latest NYT column, Ezra Klein identifies the neoreactionary philosophy at the core of Marc Andreessen’s recent excrescence on so-called “techno-optimism”. It wasn’t exactly a difficult analysis, given the way Andreessen outright lists a gaggle of neoreactionaries as the inspiration for his screed.

But when Andreessen included “existential risk” and transhumanism on his list of enemy ideas, I’m sure the rationalists and EAs were feeling at least a little bit offended. Klein, as the founder of Vox media and Vox’s EA-promoting “Future Perfect” vertical, was probably among those who felt targeted. He has certainly bought into the rationalist AI doomer bullshit, so you know where he stands.

So have at at, Marc and Ezra. Fight. And maybe take each other out.

  • epigone
    211 months ago

    surf surf

    quick question: who will be left to avenge ms nina simone?