• Peanut
      11 months ago

      the sentiment being any positive opinion on AI? yes, like i said i’d forgive it if were funny or clever.

      it is literally just “people who like this thing are bad and dumb and useless and the world hates them.”

      really top quality satire. they sure did show how useless AI is and how dumb the fans are.

      maybe they could at least target the failure use-cases? some bad business AI ideas that are doomed to fail?

      nope, just reddit comment quality insults.

      • BolexForSoup
        11 months ago

        You didn’t even read it, did you? It’s insulting a certain type of person/“entrepreneur,” not AI as a tool.

        If you can write better stuff than the onion then by all means. But your comments just read like someone who is salty that their favorite thing is being referenced in a negative context. People make these kinds of cracks about certain hobbies and fandoms and such all the time. It’s not a big deal.