nitter archive

just in case you haven’t done your daily eye stretches yet, here’s a workout challenge! remember to count your reps, and to take a break between paragraphs! duet your score!

oh and, uh… you may want to hide any loose keyboards before you read this. because you may find yourself wanting to throw something.

  • @bitofhope
    68 months ago

    It’s wild. This thing running on computers, abstracted dozens of layers upwards, can do things a computer can, but a couple hundred million times slower.

    The next stage of transportation isn’t faster, greener, more efficient, more afrordable, or more pleasant cars, buses, trains, or planes; it’s crawling.

    • @Amoeba_Girl
      48 months ago

      hey come on now that’s ten times faster than a redstone computer and only consumes a handful magnitudes more ressources!