As an American, you’re being silly. You’ve heard of the Silk Road? The Mediterranean? The Old World has been rubbing shoulders with each other since 4000+ years ago. We just got here in comparison.
I guess, but you kinda look like a dumbass quoting something incorrectly. You shouldnt need an in depth thread to explain why your false quote maybe technically could possibly be misconstrued.
Makes everything else you said look suspect by comparison.
I mean, in terms of humans that’s 2 generations, and since diversity and populations concern humans, that’s a big head start. But you can keep applying off topic cliches if they help you feel better.
ThEre ArE no iMmIgRaNtS in EuRopE
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As an American, you’re being silly. You’ve heard of the Silk Road? The Mediterranean? The Old World has been rubbing shoulders with each other since 4000+ years ago. We just got here in comparison.
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Let me quote:
So yeah. That.
The rest of your comment is blatantly ignorant AND horridly racist, so I think I’ll just do is both a favor and ignore it.
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Keep digging shovel boy
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They don’t mean the same thing, I’m mocking you (see also: SpongeBob case) for saying something that is patently, obviously, hilariously wrong.
There’s a reason you are getting dragged all over the thread: you are a provincial ignoramus.
Y’all could’ve just looked up the numbers on immigrants as a percent of population:
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Where in your quote does it say europe has no immigrants?
I refer you to the other thread for an in depth explanation.
Id just refer you back to the quote, that blatantly doesnt say what you said it does
Draw by repetition!
I guess, but you kinda look like a dumbass quoting something incorrectly. You shouldnt need an in depth thread to explain why your false quote maybe technically could possibly be misconstrued.
Makes everything else you said look suspect by comparison.
You really think I’m going to go 13 rounds with yet another provincial ignoramus in the dead end of a deleted comment’s thread?
40 years counts as quite a long time in american history i suppose
I mean, in terms of humans that’s 2 generations, and since diversity and populations concern humans, that’s a big head start. But you can keep applying off topic cliches if they help you feel better.
The majority of the immigrant population in 'Murica are from Europe.
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