archive (e: twitter [archive] too, archive for nitter seems a bit funky)

it’d be nice if these dipshits, like, came off a factory line somewhere. then you could bin them right at the QC failure

  • Sailor Sega Saturn
    7 months ago

    My takeaway reading that was basically “Sure there are emboldened Neo-nazis marching in the streets who literally want to genocide people like you in particular. But they don’t want to kill me so I’m more concerned about real problems: an out of control paperclip factory.”

    Also jeez how much cool-aid do you have to drink to start tweeting “the end of all value” instead of “earth go explodey and everyone dead :(”. If I didn’t know about the AI weirdos I would have assumed it was some sort of capitalistic nightmare.

    • @Evinceo
      107 months ago

      End of all value is different from earth go explody. They’re fine with earth go explody as long as there’s a second, slightly larger earth to replace it with more value.

    • @locallynonlinear
      57 months ago

      Desperation of delusion. “End of all value” => “I don’t understand things, so I better at least have control!” I wonder if these kinds of people would send literal Nazis to my doorstep if I suggested that I don’t have any stake either way in the “coin flipping on the end of my world view.”