I’m called a Nazi because I happily am proud of white culture. But every day I think fondly of the brown king Cyrus the Great who invented the first ever empire, and the Japanese icon Murasaki Shikibu who wrote the first novel ever. What if humans just loved each other? History teaches us that we have all been, and always will be - great

read the whole thread, her responses are even worse

  • @Shitgenstein1
    6 months ago

    extreme progressives agree there is a magic all encompassing definition of “whiteness”.

    What do you mean by this? Speaking for myself, what I’ve read on the left with respect to “whiteness” has been largely critical of the concept, e.g. that it exists by its function to other and marginalize those deemed non-white. Who are you talking about on the left that affirms a non-reductive concept of whiteness? Because it sounds like you’re both-sides-ing out of ignorance.

    • @selfMA
      66 months ago

      It is one of those assertions where the left and right horseshoe towards falsehood and depravity

      just wait til they whip out their horseshoe-shaped chart. then you’ll understand that one mastodon ancom is exactly equal to one nazi skinhead in terms of both falsehood and depravity