• @Stormageddon47@lemmy.world
    249 months ago

    This is true but games that use P2P matchmaking shouldn’t require a subscription as no servers are needed. P2P also better because all the time there are people playing them they will always work.

    As for games that use servers and/or are always online that will one day go away should never be full price.

    Take Gran Turismo Sport as an example. That was sold as a full price game and when the servers are switched off this month 98% of the game will become unplayable.

    • @MajorasMaskForever@lemmy.world
      89 months ago

      Even in P2P you’ll still need someone to go tell you what other IP addresses are in the group that you’re trying to join. And you have to know the IP address of that someone. You’re not going to scan the entire Internet to figure out who all else is attempting to play the exact same game as you, that would take literal days every time (assuming you rule out anyone IPv6, if you include them that suddenly becomes millions of years).

      Even in P2P you will need to hit a commonly known and trusted resource to tell you what other IP addresses you need to go talk to.

      • @Chobbes@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        Yeah, P2P is not free because you need an entry point to the network… It is vastly cheaper to host a peer discovery server than a game server, so it’s not completely unreasonable to expect it to be covered by the cost of the game… But it is technically unsustainable in the long run as it is an ongoing cost. Per user, especially across a platforms like Xbox live and PSN I suspect it’s like… ridiculously cheap to run per year?