“glowfic” apparently. written in a roleplay forum format.

This is not a story for kids, even less so than HPMOR. There is romance, there is sex, there are deliberately bad kink practices whose explicit purpose is to get people to actually hurt somebody else so that they’ll end up damned to Hell, and also there’s math.

start here. or don’t, of course.

  • David GerardOPMA
    5 months ago

    The case for turning glowfic into Sequences

    Eliezer stopped writing Sequences and probably cannot write more. This is a combination of Eliezer’s chronic fatigue syndrome and being tired of trolls / bad takes in comments. The only medium he can write in without being drained is glowfic. Thus, even though it’s a non-serious format, glowfic is Eliezer’s main intellectual output right now.

    what your donations of ETH buy

    If Eliezer can’t write nonfiction because of trolls and bad takes, won’t turning glowfic into Sequences just make him stop writing glowfic?
    No, I asked him.

    • @blakestaceyMA
      175 months ago

      A free full-cast Audiobook of Planecrash is currently in production [,.] using AI-generated voices.

      maybe we, as a species, deserve what is coming to us

      • @V0ldek
        65 months ago

        So this is how the acausal AI god chooses to punish us. Huh.

    • @Evinceo
      85 months ago

      many people I know who got more from HPMOR read it carefully, perhaps stopping after every chapter to think about the goals and motivations of each character and predict what happens next