“glowfic” apparently. written in a roleplay forum format.

This is not a story for kids, even less so than HPMOR. There is romance, there is sex, there are deliberately bad kink practices whose explicit purpose is to get people to actually hurt somebody else so that they’ll end up damned to Hell, and also there’s math.

start here. or don’t, of course.

  • @Soyweiser
    85 months ago

    I don’t even really care that much, it is just a small but ongoing frustration with enshittification of everything digital. (and the Rationalists do nothing! You live in SV damnit, do some effective angry protesting or something ;) )

    • @locallynonlinear
      105 months ago

      Why protest when you could spend far less energy and just “not be wrong” and “have no stake” by over-fitting your statistical model to the past?

      • @Soyweiser
        105 months ago

        Thanks for filling my ‘make up people to be angry about’ quota for today.

          • @Soyweiser
            105 months ago

            I’m very good at it, it is one of my core competencies, which synergies well with the mission statement of awful.systems, in this powerpoint presentation I will…