• @maol
    175 months ago

    “There’s a lot of money going after a billionaire for tax evasion but not in someone having a side hustle where they make money under the table selling $50k worth of widgets per year.”

    Lol and indeed lmao. “One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic”.

    (…and who has a “”“side hustle”“” with a $50k p.a turnover?! At that point it is no longer a side hustle)

    • @jonhendry
      115 months ago

      “widgets” must be a euphemism for “opioids”

    • @mpk
      105 months ago

      It’s a sign of how completely economically detached from reality these guys are. The annual turnover threshold here for mandatory VAT registration is around €35k, and a lot of small businesses don’t even reach that. Selling widgets and turning over €50k max would not be considered to be minor tax evasion…