This is one of the more scathing pieces to come out on Ars about Reddit. As the site did not respond to inquiries, all that was available to report on was profoundly negative statements that Advance is unlikely to enjoy seeing.

  • mozz
    301 year ago

    Fully agreed, except that I would amend “get their big pay day” to “manage to unload their worthless-but-not-everyone-sees-it-yet equity before it tanks.”

    They’d planned to do that during or shortly after the IPO itself, but now that it’s clear that whatever price they set for the IPO will merely form the high-water mark for the drubbing that follows, they need a new way to find some suckers. They will probably find a few. I think it’s telling that they mentioned wallstreetbets as part of what justified this being a good idea in their minds.

    • s0ckpuppet
      61 year ago

      I take some solace in the fact that they really mistimed the market for tech stocks. And it doesn’t look like the interest rate money printer is cutting back on this year, so that should majorly kneecap them on this.