This is not so much about a particular post but rather to document Jakob Nielsen’s relentless generative AI boosting.

His weekly updates are so saturated with AI subject matter and every image is AI generated they are unreadable and I can only assume the text is AI generated as well. It really doesn’t matter if it isn’t, in fact, because he’s demonstrating in real-time how damaging the AI aesthetic is to a brand.

He also seems to be mentioning his 40 years of expertise a lot more, which might be a reaction to some negative feedback. I want to dig deeper, but I don’t like the feeling that I’ll have to read generated stuff carefully.

His latest newsletter triggered this post because he links to a terrible AI generated song he made (with the line “Jakob Nielsen with UX fame, forty-one years, still in the game”) and spends most of the newsletter talking about the process.

  • SteveOP
    34 months ago

    I’m meeeltiinnnggg

    Jakob Nielsen substack newsletter summary reads: AI won’t replace human creativity, it will amplify it. Forget mass-market entertainment; the true revolution is in hyper-targeted content experiences that seamlessly weave together text, music, images, and film. Authorship will be unleashed by eliminating the need to master individual media crafts.

    • SteveOP
      4 months ago

      When Nielsen says:

      Authorship will be unleashed by eliminating the need to master individual media crafts

      If you eliminate the need to master the crafts, it’s still authorship, but what’s the point of authorship when it’s not fit for consumption?