Leto II mentioned that Paul also saw the Golden Path, but was too weak to implement it and instead went into the desert as the Preacher. It wasn’t mentioned that worm transformation was required for the Golden Path to succeed, but it gave Leto longevity to oversee it.
What I’m trying to say is that Paul likely thought about transforming into the worm.
My interpretation agrees with you. I suppose it’s possible he only saw the thousands of years of being a tyrant and was rejecting that. But I still think he saw the worm transformation.
Isn’t that pretty explicit in Children? Leto II frequently chastises his genetic memory father/actual father for being a coward to afraid to commit to the golden path. Paul saw where the golden path led and couldn’t do it so he becomes the Preacher whereas Leto saw what was needed to guide humanity and thus sacrificed his to become The Tyrant
When the preacher saw leto fused with the sand worms he said something to the effect of “so you’ve chosen that path”. Which more than slightly implies he did see the worm part
So really this should one of those distribution graph memes where most people in the middle are crying saying it was Leto II while the extreme ends (very dumb and very smart) are saying it’s Paul
It’s really getting to me how many people are memeing Paul turning into a worm.
It feels like it’s a fact that was misinterpreted from one of those “7 CRAZY Things that Happen in the DUNE Novels - You’ll never believe number 6!” Videos. But because they haven’t read the books, they assume it must be Paul that worms out because he’s the Main Character, right?
I haven’t seen any of the movies or YT videos, but read the series years ago. Honestly, I forgot until reading this thread that it wasn’t Paul. Are you sure it wasn’t Paul…? I might have to re read. I do remember stopping at that book because I felt like the worming out thing was jumping the shark.
Or maybe people aren’t all stupid, and just make vaguely related dune memes that still are a bit humorous? It’s not like there are movie adaptations of god emperor of dune.
Also, even disregarding God Emperor, the joke still works, the fremen literally worship sandworms
Well, technically the meme does not say he’ll actually do it. And as Paul had to option to go down that road, but choose not to, it’s not truly incorrect.
It was a joke about how people that don’t read the books still argue with ppl that know, but yeah, to long e crazy for me to read, but the movie is cool
That’s not Paul, that’s his son who turns into the worm.
Leto II mentioned that Paul also saw the Golden Path, but was too weak to implement it and instead went into the desert as the Preacher. It wasn’t mentioned that worm transformation was required for the Golden Path to succeed, but it gave Leto longevity to oversee it.
What I’m trying to say is that Paul likely thought about transforming into the worm.
My interpretation agrees with you. I suppose it’s possible he only saw the thousands of years of being a tyrant and was rejecting that. But I still think he saw the worm transformation.
Major Dune spoilers:
Isn’t that pretty explicit in Children? Leto II frequently chastises his genetic memory father/actual father for being a coward to afraid to commit to the golden path. Paul saw where the golden path led and couldn’t do it so he becomes the Preacher whereas Leto saw what was needed to guide humanity and thus sacrificed his to become The Tyrant
When the preacher saw leto fused with the sand worms he said something to the effect of “so you’ve chosen that path”. Which more than slightly implies he did see the worm part
So really this should one of those distribution graph memes where most people in the middle are crying saying it was Leto II while the extreme ends (very dumb and very smart) are saying it’s Paul
That meme applies to f’n everything!
It’s really getting to me how many people are memeing Paul turning into a worm.
It feels like it’s a fact that was misinterpreted from one of those “7 CRAZY Things that Happen in the DUNE Novels - You’ll never believe number 6!” Videos. But because they haven’t read the books, they assume it must be Paul that worms out because he’s the Main Character, right?
Little do people know the real main character of the saga died in the first act of the first book.
He had one death yes, what about second death?
I get the frustration but it’s still funny.
I haven’t seen any of the movies or YT videos, but read the series years ago. Honestly, I forgot until reading this thread that it wasn’t Paul. Are you sure it wasn’t Paul…? I might have to re read. I do remember stopping at that book because I felt like the worming out thing was jumping the shark.
Paul’s son is the God Emperor, not Paul. Paul’s reign was actually pretty short, all things considered.
I didn’t overly enjoy book 4 myself but 5 and 6 were better. Opinions on this are quite divided on this though
I’m here to provide the divided opinion: God Emperor of Dune is the best book in the series imho.
oh same with my dad. He remembered it has paul turned into the worm but no it was his child
Plot twist: I am your dad.
Or maybe people aren’t all stupid, and just make vaguely related dune memes that still are a bit humorous? It’s not like there are movie adaptations of god emperor of dune.
Also, even disregarding God Emperor, the joke still works, the fremen literally worship sandworms
Well, technically the meme does not say he’ll actually do it. And as Paul had to option to go down that road, but choose not to, it’s not truly incorrect.
I could swear that he was the one… but also I never even consider reading the books and all my knowledge comes from YT videos and podcasts lol
Sorry but that’s not accurate. It is definitely his son. There’s evidence Paul considers it but Leto II is the one who actually merges with the worms
Read the books, they’re really good!
It was a joke about how people that don’t read the books still argue with ppl that know, but yeah, to long e crazy for me to read, but the movie is cool
Ya Paul didn’t do much cool things because of the time skip