As suggested at this thread to general “yeah sounds cool”. Let’s see if this goes anywhere.

Original inspiration:

The post Xitter web has spawned soo many “esoteric” right wing freaks, but there’s no appropriate sneer-space for them. I’m talking redscare-ish, reality challenged “culture critics” who write about everything but understand nothing. I’m talking about reply-guys who make the same 6 tweets about the same 3 subjects. They’re inescapable at this point, yet I don’t see them mocked (as much as they should be)

If your sneer seems higher quality than you thought, feel free to make it a post, there’s no quota here

    • @swlabr
      64 months ago

      Monologue, 10 second read: “yeah dawg so extrapolating from data seems intuitive, but data alone is not enough to make accurate or convincing predictions.”

      • @swlabr
        44 months ago

        Oh hey someone in the comments said it even better:

        For even more brevity with no loss of substance: ”A turkey gets fed every day, right up until it’s slaughtered before Thanksgiving.”

    • David GerardOPMA
      64 months ago

      This feels shorter than these things usually are, or I’ve just become inured to this stuff.

      Of course it turned out to be about not taking AI doom seriously, and not about, say, EA collectively falling for a scammer.

    • @titotal
      54 months ago

      Good to see the Yud tradition of ridiculous strawmanning of science continue.

      In this case, the strawscientist falls for a ponzi scheme because “it always outputted the same returns”. So scientific!

      • @blakestaceyA
        104 months ago

        Ponzi Schemer: “Ignore all these elaborate, abstract, theoretical predictions. Empirically, everyone who’s invested in Bernie Bankman has received back 144% of what they invested two years later.”

        LessWronger: “Your object-level error is that you have committed the trend projection fallacy instead of using the universal prior and Jaynes-Solomonoff inversion, as HPMoR explained using the analogy of the inter-magic-national goblin banking system…”

        Scientist: “I fucked your mom”