A ringleader in a global monkey torture network exposed by the BBC has been charged by US federal prosecutors.

Michael Macartney, 50, who went by the alias “Torture King”, was charged in Virginia with conspiracy to create and distribute animal-crushing videos.

Mr Macartney was one of three key distributors identified by the BBC Eye team during a year-long investigation into sadistic monkey torture groups.

Two women have also been charged in the UK following the investigation.

Warning: This article contains disturbing content

Mr Macartney, a former motorcycle gang member who previously spent time in prison, ran several chat groups for monkey torture enthusiasts from around the world on the encrypted messaging app Telegram.

    • @chetradley@lemmy.world
      71 year ago

      I’ve yet to see a proposal more convincing to me than just avoiding animal products altogether. Don’t get me wrong, I used to enjoy things like meat, dairy and eggs, but I realized the cost far outweighed my own pleasure.

      • businessfish
        71 year ago

        yeah all the data is out there for why its better for you, the planet, and the animals that live on it, and i find it strange to not find veganism “modest” enough. going vegan was the easiest major lifestyle change i’ve ever made, and beans are cheaper than meat.

        the only time i have problems being vegan is when someone else makes it a problem, and for some reason people really like to respond to any mention of veganism with hostility. but also those same people love animals and hate animal abuse.

        • The reason people react strongly to veganism is twofold:

          1. There are many vegans that are very “in your face,” much in the same way that evangelical Christianity can be pushed too far. “You’re either with me or you are a terrible person.”

          2. Some think that a vegan’s decision to avoid animal products automatically means that the same vegan is passing judgement on those who still consume animal products.

        • @chetradley@lemmy.world
          31 year ago

          I’ve noticed that too lol. People generally don’t like to have their beliefs challenged, especially if it’s about something they enjoy doing. Hell I know I struggled with it when considering giving up animal products and dairy specifically, but I’m so glad I did!

          • businessfish
            21 year ago

            the part i struggled with most is realizing that everyone i know just doesn’t care about animals enough to stop eating their favorite sandwiches, the rest is pretty straightforward. keep on fightin the good fight

      • @rusticus@lemm.ee
        31 year ago

        Dairy and eggs don’t kill animals in a cruel way. It’s animal exploitation yes but who amongst us aren’t exploited?

        • @chetradley@lemmy.world
          31 year ago

          I think we have fundamentally different outlooks on animal agriculture. It seems like your position may be based on the idea that animals used for milk and eggs are treated well, live long natural lives and are killed at the end of their lives when they would have died naturally.

          I wish this were the case.

          Animals used for milk and egg production live a small percentage of their potential lifespan. The effects on dairy cows of repeatedly being impregnated, giving birth, producing enormous quantities of milk, and going through the cycle again takes a harsh toll on their bodies. It’s normal for a dairy cow to only endure 4 or 5 cycles of this before they literally cannot physically continue, at which point they’re no longer profitable and are sold for slaughter. Similarly for egg-laying hens, the stress and mineral demand of ovulating multiple times a day means that they rarely live past two years. For the males of these breeds, it’s even worse. Male chickens of the egg-laying breeds are mostly useless to the industry, so they are killed immediately after hatching, usually by way of an industrial macerator or gas chamber. Male calves might live to 8 months to be slaughtered for veal, but if there’s no market for veal they are frequently killed immediately after birth.

          Modern egg laying chickens and dairy cows are man-made breeds far removed from their natural wild counterparts. Hens trace their lineage to red jungle fowls, who naturally will have a single clutch of roughly 12 eggs once a year. Selective breeding has increased this amount to once a day, sometimes even more. The extreme pressure on their reproductive system frequently causes health issues like egg yolk peritonitis, cloacal prolapse, and osteoporosis. Similarly with modern dairy cows, bovine mastitis, udder sores and infections are common due to our selective breeding to maximize milk yields. Even otherwise healthy animals face grueling lives because they’re part of a species that was selectively engineered for one purpose: profit.

          Modern animal agriculture is overwhelmingly inhumane, which is why livestock animals are almost always excluded from animal abuse legislation. Ignoring the above points about how they’ve been selectively bred and are worked to exhaustion, investigations into egg and dairy farms have found absolutely shocking treatment. If you have the stomach for it, they’re worth watching to understand the scope of animal abuse that is commonplace in our society.

    • @MilitantVegan@lemmy.world
      71 year ago

      Currently billions of animals are raised in atrocious conditions and slaughtered against their will, for food, every year. This alone should be reason enough to want it to end, but the problems don’t end there. Most of the top causes of death in industrialized nations is the result of lifestyle diseases such heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancers. The main drivers of these diseases is overconsumption of animal products. In other words eating animals is the leading cause of death in humans.


      To make it worse, food deserts in low income areas results in disproportionately higher incidences of these diseases and causes of death for black people, indigenous people, and all persons of color.


      even worse, animal agriculture is one of the worst sources of environmental destruction. It is one of the top causes of climate change, the single largest cause of deforestation, and causes rampant pollution.


      And again, it gets even worse. Not only is it strongly arguable that consumption of animals and their products is the cause of the covid pandemic; animal ag is also the leading cause of antibiotic resistant diseases, and if it’s allowed to continue it will only be a matter of when, not if, we end up with an H5N1 pandemic - a flu that has a 50-60% death rate. This should be reason enough for governments to outright declare animal agriculture a threat to national security, and pursue strong policies to transition away from animal consumption as rapidly as possible.


      When something is this bad, aren’t modest proposals the last thing we need?

        • @MilitantVegan@lemmy.world
          91 year ago

          Animals are generally killed significantly younger than their natural lifespans. The short lives they live are entirely in conditions that are comparable to history’s worst concentration camps. You’re literally living on the rotten flesh of traumatized children.

          Have you ever stopped to wonder what they want?

            • @MilitantVegan@lemmy.world
              21 year ago

              Taste is subjective, and it changes in response to what you eat. The vast majority of people are used to what are called hyper-palatable foods - foods that are scientifically formulated to be addictive. Every food that is not hyper-palatable tastes flavorless by comparison.

              If you get used to eating real food - that is, real plants in their whole, generally intact forms - then hyper-palatable foods end up tasting disgustingly salty.

              Point is, plants taste perfectly fine.

                • @MilitantVegan@lemmy.world
                  31 year ago

                  You’re missing the point. Why does your fleeting sensory pleasure justify the murder of innocent sentient beings? And why does it justify the healthcare burden, environmental harm, and pathogenic outbreaks that you impose on everyone?

                  • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
                    1 year ago

                    Because it’s a freedom I have to eat what I want, regardless of how it makes you feel.

                    This is something that YOU need to deal with. Not me.

              • gimpchrist
                11 year ago

                You must have never had okra before. Or dulse. One is disgustingly bitter, one is disgustingly salty. Not all plants taste perfectly fine.

                • @MilitantVegan@lemmy.world
                  21 year ago

                  Okra did not taste disgustingly bitter to me (genetics play a large role in taste perception). And I used to put a small amount of dulse into all my meals because it is salty, a little goes a long way, and it’s one of very few natural sources of iodine.

                  Sounds like a skill issue. The better you get at cooking plants, the better they taste. That and finding the right ones for you.

                  • gimpchrist
                    11 year ago

                    Sounds like you just like to be better than all of us as some kind of ascended plant eating freak… you go right ahead and enjoy your fucking plants with no feelings… I’m sure plants enjoy living too, weirdo. Is life more fun for you when we both insult each other? Is life more fun when you are acting like you have all of the answers and we’re all wrong? Is it fun to police people’s eating habits on planet earth? You’re such a fucking weirdo. There is no skill issue, I’ve been a chef since I was 14 in restaurants across the world… sounds just like you hate everybody and you have to argue to feel better

          • @steeznson@lemmy.world
            21 year ago

            I disagree with you but that is an informative graph. I knew egg laying chickens were killed before they were a year old but 5 months is wild.

          • @wakumul@lemm.ee
            21 year ago

            the vast majority of make dairy calves are brought to full weight before slaughter: 18-20 months

            • @MilitantVegan@lemmy.world
              21 year ago

              Everywhere I’ve looked says the same - cows can live 15-20 years and possibly even longer. That’s significantly more life than 18-20 months.

              • @wakumul@lemm.ee
                21 year ago

                cows can live 15 to 20 years if they have protection from predators, and weather, and disease, and access to enough nutritious food, clean water, and veterinary care.

                their natural life span, being a domesticated animal, is usually about 18-20 months.

                • @MilitantVegan@lemmy.world
                  21 year ago

                  That’s insane. There’s nothing natural about being slaughtered against your will. Growing less profitable is not a natural cause of death. I don’t know anything more disturbingly capitalist than to perceive intelligent living beings as commodities.

                  • @wakumul@lemm.ee
                    21 year ago

                    There’s nothing natural about being slaughtered against your will.

                    this assumes non-human animals have a will to live. this would require an understanding that they, themselves, might die. we have no proof of understanding personal mortality in non-human animals (though, if you have a study that shows otherwise, i would be very interested to see it). therefore, we have no reason to believe nonhuman animals have a will to live.

                  • @wakumul@lemm.ee
                    11 year ago

                    Growing less profitable is not a natural cause of death.

                    no, and it’s also not the cause of death for any of the animals we eat or otherwise exploit.

                  • @wakumul@lemm.ee
                    11 year ago

                    I don’t know anything more disturbingly capitalist than to perceive intelligent living beings as commodities.

                    intelligent is a relative term. but i can certainly show you something more disturbingly capitalist: exploiting people for profit.

        • @A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world
          61 year ago

          Their user name is MilitantVegan.

          Do you genuinely think they have ever, in their entire life, been capable of keeping their nose out of other peoples business?

          • @Korne127@lemmy.world
            61 year ago

            I’m not even vegan by myself, but saying other people’s business when it’s not about things people do for themselves without harming anyone but killing animals is… really weird.

            • @A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world
              41 year ago

              Yeah, that bullshit “i’m not a vegan, I’m just gonna say vegan things” act wont pass here.

              Also, I love how you are trying to claim something that a significant portion of all animal life on the planet does is “weird”.

              Like, maybe thats a you problem, bro.

              • @MilitantVegan@lemmy.world
                51 year ago

                If you’re familiar with trophic levels, you would know it’s literally impossible for a majority of the planet’s population to be carnivorous. The population levels of species in one trophic level are limited by the population size of what they eat. Primary producers and herbivores must always outnumber omnivores and carnivores.

                And when you look at the full breadth of the harms caused by humans eating animals, it clearly is an abnormal practice. Just because something is popular, doesn’t mean it’s normal. Doing something every day that is completely contrary to our own natures, our own wellbeing, the wellbeing of all the other intelligent beings we share this planet with, and the planet itself, is grotesque and strange in the extreme.

                • @rusticus@lemm.ee
                  21 year ago

                  Homo sapien is traditionally an omnivore. GTFO with your “normal” and “contrary” arguments.

                • gimpchrist
                  11 year ago

                  See this is the thing I’m pissed off about though… we don’t get to eat the animals that are murdered… a good extreme majority of us cannot fucking afford the meat that is on our grocery shelves… we’re not eating animals… we can’t afford to eat animals… they’re just slaughtering animals to throw them in grocery store dumpsters… it’s not an 'us, problem… …so why the fuck are you yelling at us, when you should be yelling at The giant factory Farms and the governments who allow people to overslaughter these animals, put them on a shelf in a store, let it sit and rot while no one affords it, and then throws it into a dumpster at the end of the week… why aren’t you yelling at them?

                  Seriously I’m fucking sick of it and I’m fucking hungry… all I eat is God damn potatoes and fucking rice and fucking peanut butter and I hate your stupid vegan food I’m starving and I fucking hate beans. I just want a fucking steak but I’m not allowed to cuz I can’t afford it and it makes me a total fucking asshole I guess, to want to eat food.

                  • @MilitantVegan@lemmy.world
                    21 year ago

                    What kind of rice? Plant based foods can be significantly less expensive than animal products if you get them in their whole food forms. Brown rice might be a little more effort to cook but it’s a lot more filling and nutritious. and in general whole grains are going go be a lot more filling than refined sources.

                    Leafy greens are known to slow metabolism, so if you can include them they will help you feel satiated for longer, and help your body use your nutrients more efficiently.

                    If you’re able to order anything online or find a grocery store that carries them, soy curls and tvp are bean-based meat alternatives that are extremely easy to cook. Prices on those vary though. Nutritional yeast is also great to have because it not only loads your food full of protein, but also adds a delicious cheesy/savory flavor. And it might not be the healthiest choice, but a big bag of msg is probably the least expensive way to give all your meals a good savory kick.

                    And try not to give up on beans. Out of all foods, beans are correlated with the longest lifespans. Try all different kinds, including lentils which are generally easier to cook. Few foods are less expensive than beans, so it’s worth learning to love them.

                  • @Sizzler@slrpnk.net
                    11 year ago

                    Quick reminder, you are having this rant in a thread about people who just want to torture animals…

          • @Mastengwe@lemm.ee
            41 year ago

            Oh, absolutely not. I just wanted people to see how they will respond to a reasonable request.