lori (@lori@hackers.town)
hackers.townAttached: 4 images
As many of you know, I posted recently about my experiences and outlook on Kagi, the paid search engine. It's gotten some positive press recently, ironically right after I made my blog post about why I no longer liked or trusted it. This blog post was called "Why I Lost Faith In Kagi" and was a pretty simple quick collection of my thoughts that I primarily wrote so it'd be easier to find again later to link to people when discussing Kagi versus making it a fedi thread I couldn't search for easily later. Across the four social media platforms I linked this blog post on, I'd say it got a total of about 40 likes and few reblogs.
I say this because this morning I woke up to an email from Kagi's CEO, Vlad, who had seen the post and was upset about it. I have an email address listed on my blog (which is why I didn't bother removing it from these logs), which is what he sent his emails to. I am posting this entire email chain in this thread and will briefly post my thoughts about it, but I feel like it's something that needs to be seen. Please take note of the subject of the email as well (EDIT: It got cropped out sorry, the subject is "Fatih [sic] can not be lost"). Also, since the alt text would get extremely long with some of the transcripts, I've provided a text dump of the emails here for screen reader users and will offer a more abridged description in the alt text: https://d-shoot.net/files/kagiemails.txt
https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Just_asking_questions first hit (on google ;) ) which has a good explanation.
E: And I don’t meant this post as a ‘just fucking google it’ or ‘educate yourself’ (well a little bit) but more to show there is more to this accusation of JAQing than just some way to shut you down. The method is used by bad faith actors a lot, so it is a pattern of behavior a lot of people react negatively too. So, assuming you are acting in good faith, it is a good way to learn why people are reacting to you like you are a bit of an bad faith actor. And if you are a bad faith actor, I only wasted a little bit of my time typing this out so nothing really lost.
I call that doing a “Tucker Carlson.”
I had a weird brainfart a while back when I realized that Carlson reminds me of this guy.
The bad faith ‘bugs that think are offensive’ debate guy from starship troopers. He even wears a bow tie!
He does jaq off pretty constantly.