
  • Mii
    2 months ago

    I used to believe public institutions like the WHO wouldn’t jump onto any stupid bandwagon, but here we are.

    But at least they acknowledge it’s all bullshit on their own website, lol.

    WHO takes no responsibility for any conversation content created by Generative AI. Furthermore, the conversation content created by Generative AI in no way represents or comprises the views or beliefs of WHO, and WHO does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any conversation content. Please check the WHO website for the most accurate information. By using WHO Sarah, you understand and agree that you should not rely on the answers generated as the sole source of truth or factual information, or as a substitute for professional advice.

    • c a k e
      372 months ago

      I hate this cop out everyone uses when they stuff AI into their system. “By using it it’s actually your fault for believing the information” while also making it the preferred or even only way to try and get information. This is unethical especially in healthcare

    • circuitfarmer
      182 months ago

      So they basically acknowledge it is useless. Cool. What progress.