this thread fucking sucks for me to have to post, but the linked open letter is an important read. none of the systemic issues pertaining to marginalized folks and commercial/military-industrial interests in the Nix community I’ve previously written about on TechTakes have been solved; in fact, they’ve gotten worse to the point where the Nix community moderation team is essentially in the process of quitting. that’s the beginning to an awful end for a project I like a whole lot.

even if you don’t give a fuck about Nix, the open letter is an important read because the toxicity, conflicts of interest, and underhanded tactics detailed in it are incredibly common in the open source space. this letter could have been written about a multitude of infamously toxic open source projects; Nix is lucky that it has marginalized folks involved who care about the direction of the project and want to make things better, but those people are actively leaving, after being burnt out by the toxic people and structures entrenched in Nix’s community. that’s a fucking tragedy.

  • @selfOPMA
    72 months ago

    our instance runs on NixOS, so I’m not relishing the prospect of rewriting all our deployment and configuration stuff and fleeing the distro because it got taken over by fascists. I’m hoping for a fork if none of the demands in the open letter are met.

    • David GerardA
      42 months ago

      taken over, or the founder turned out to be a chud?

      • @selfOPMA
        82 months ago

        fucking Eelco had one job and that was don’t be a Curtis Yarvin level asshole and he fucked it

        • David GerardA
          62 months ago

          ah ah ah! that’s terribly unfair

          to Yarvin, who at least left Tlon (even if they were all still in his image)