Wake up honey, new Zitron just dropped.

Looks like Sammy boy has a crush on Scarlett Johansson and wanted to model his sexy chatbot after her role in the movie Her. The damage control is actually hilarious.

Altman subsequently claimed that the actress for Sky was cast before the company reached out to Johansson.

“Yeah, I don’t want to go out with you anyway. Also, I already have a girlfriend but she goes to a different school, so you wouldn’t know her. And no, I won’t tell you who it is!”

I mean, we all knew that OpenAI is a fucking clown show of a company run by wannabe nerd frat boys with way too much money, but I didn’t think we’d get high school level relationship drama this season.

    • MiiOP
      251 month ago

      Don’t worry, I’ll go back to touching grass once I’m done clowning on AI-brained tech bozos for the day.

      • @froztbyte
        131 month ago

        joke’s on you, I clown on them while loafing on grass!~

      • @slopjockey
        171 month ago

        He does have a point though. The TTS does sound pretty different from “Her”.

        …but it also sounds a shit ton like Johansson in general. Which would make sense if it was trained on a corpus of her speaking rather than just clips from the one movie.

        I mean come on, it sounds like chatGPT’s about to tell me that the sun’s getting real low.

        • @froztbyte
          81 month ago

          It’s almost like there was a….irunno what you’d call it? A portrayal? Of some kind, by her. Who’d want to be not themselves though?! Sounds so ridiculous, I know

      • @froztbyte
        71 month ago

        you’d swear these dipshits have never learned the difference between shiitake and shit takes

        just saw a loose assemblage of letters in vaguely the right order and went YES THAT"S RIGHT THAT"S WHAT I WANT OH YES SIGN ME UP BABY

    • @Amoeba_Girl
      1229 days ago

      “wah wah talk more like a stupid robot please” fuck off

      • @selfA
        1129 days ago

        it’s always funny when posters we’ve never seen here before blow through to try and enforce norms from the orange site and other shitty tech communities, as if a post that could be summed up as “stop having tech takes in TechTakes” would ever be of any value to anyone