In his original post he said:

4: Related, breaking news: A popular Substack claims that COVID didn’t happen at all, and that both “lab leak” and “natural origins” are part of the higher-level conspiracy to distract people from the fact that there was never a virus in the first place.

He later edited the post to add:

I wonder if I could even more Substack likes if I one-upped them with a theory that lockdowns never even happened, and it was just one of those Berenstein Bear or Mandela Effect things where everyone has a false memory.

So now it’s ironic, and therefore not harmful to spread the conspiracy theory to his large audience.

    • @Shitgenstein1
      1527 days ago

      truly envy your ignorance on this individual

        • @Soyweiser
          1028 days ago

          Also note this rationalwiki page (rationalwiki is not the same as the Lesswrong Rationalists, in fact rationalwiki is more on the side of Wait, Lesswrong Rationalists? You say, yeah see this rationalwiki page on them that is basically Scotts ‘grey tribe’)

    • @froztbyte
      28 days ago

      One of the thonkleaders in the group of people this sub is about

    • @ahopefullycuterrobot
      825 days ago

      An overly wordy misogynistic racist, who seeks to covertly transmit ideas from neo-fascist and race realist groups such as the Occidental Review to his primarily ‘liberal’ audience, and a major leader within a techno-utopian/apocalyptic sex cult, which for some reason is actually influential within tech policy.