Trying to discover new/unheard Linux desktop programs (Sorry for the confusion).

Edit: I apologise for confusing a lot of people. I meant Linux desktop “programs” coming from Windows/Mac. I’m used to calling them “apps”.

Edit: 🙌 I’m overwhelmed with the great “programs” people have recommended in the comment section. Thank you guys.

  • Guenther_Amanita 🍄
    10 months ago

    Do it!

    I had some initial problems in the beginning, because I was used to linear note taking apps like OneNote or Joplin, but once I watched a guide on how it works, it clicked and now it’s my second nature. I even began to write my hand written notes in Logseq style!

    TL;DR, if you don’t wanna watch any guides/ read docs:

    • Indentation matters. Logseq works with a parent-child hierarchy
    • You usually don’t open or create new pages, you write everything in your journal and link stuff there.
    • Use links, either with [[Link]] or #Tag, which are the same. They crosslink different topics and reveal connections.
    • Make use of plugins. There are thousands of it. Especially the Graph Analysis plugin should be included by default.
      210 months ago

      I used Obsidian extensively at a previous job. The linking of notes was super helpful! I don’t think it’ll work as well for my needs at the moment (at work) but I’ll give it a go

      • Guenther_Amanita 🍄
        310 months ago

        What do you do at your job? As long as you don’t work at an assembly belt in a factory, you will still probably get benefits out of it.


        • Notes about colleagues or customers
        • Project ideas
        • Random thoughts
        • Writing down meetings and mails
        • And much more!
          110 months ago

          Mainly data entry. I’m writing bullet form (pro for Logseq) justifications that the QA uses to understand my ratings (the data entry aspect). I will occasionally work on the same task so I open up the original note and just add to it.

          I know that I could use Logseq to link - [[link]] - the different task projects together (maybe). Something like Project -> individual task.

          My notes look like this currently:

          - some thoughts
          - more thoughts
          - this is bad
          - this is good

          I would then copy and paste all of that into a text box on our system (per task) where the QA can use that to understand my ratings of the task. My role title is Advanced AI Data Trainer, it sounds more impressive than it is. It’s glorified data entry.