• @PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
    7 days ago

    At this point what I think is happening is Joe has one of those old age bugs except this one specifically makes the brain to mouth communication issues that come with a stutter a lot worse.

    Because communication seems to always be this guy’s biggest stumbling block, if this were just a report card comparison there wouldn’t be a race, he’s obviously still a competent guy as old as he is, the problem is that something’s going on that makes it way harder for him to adequately communicate that whenever he needs to.

    That’s really the only way I can self reason why he then proceeded to be completely fine in the much lower pressure environment of his after debate rally.

    Edit: report card not credit card, although personally I’m willing to bet that Joe’s credit score is way better than Donny’s too

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      36 days ago

      I don’t even need Biden to be competent. Just surround himself with a competent cabinet. Which he has, and is why we’ve gotten so many wins and why Trump did so horribly in his first term.