• @selfA
    43 days ago

    holy shit we didn’t even have to dig to find out you’re garbage

    thank you for making this the easiest ban ever

    • David GerardOPMA
      53 days ago

      and to think I refrained from blocking on the first whatabout comment, a rookie error

        • @selfA
          63 days ago

          yeah don’t come back on an alt you fucking moron

          I don’t give a shit about trans people

          that much is clear, you use trans folks like a fucking cudgel to make a shitty point. but I also don’t believe this:

          I was talking about the right wings nonsense.

          given you seem to be a bitcoin right-libertarian at best. it’s time for you to fuck off, again

          • @V0ldek
            82 days ago

            I can’t see the posts since they were removed, so this is amazing. I have no idea how he went from crypto-scented energy whataboutism to transphobia in three comments flat.

            Also two bans in three comments is some quality speedrunning, awful-systems any%.

            • @froztbyte
              32 days ago

              you can view them on home timeline if you really want to, but probably you’ll regret it

              • @V0ldek
                42 days ago

                I don’t even know what that means, fortunately I guess.

          • @selfA
            3 days ago

            presenting a DM from someone who absolutely doesn’t have internalized transphobia, never heard of it:

            So I’m gonna reach out and say that you hastily misunderstood “and that shit about trans people”. I’m talking about the hate speech from the right wing. Keep me banned though that community is full of people who really have a low level reading ability.

            when a libertarian-presenting shithead with not particularly deep political takes posts “it’s a distraction just like the bullshit about trans people” with no other qualifiers, it’s absolutely understood as a dogwhistle for “people need to shut up about trans issues”

            and if I’m wrong about that? using trans folks to make your bullshit points is still fucking transphobia. don’t do this shit. it’s fucking concerning you can’t understand that.

            e: also, and this is important: the republicans are planning a fucking genocide of trans folks and you’re calling it a distraction. what the fuck is wrong with you.

            • @froztbyte
              53 days ago

              “keep me banned though”

              the fuck? they thought a pestering third-avenue dm would have resulted in a different action?

              “that community is full of people who really have a low level reading ability”

              absolutely fucking perfect, 300/10, no notes

              what the utter belligerent fuck

              • @froztbyte
                3 days ago

                I can’t tell whether their intended point with that last one was “I said all the dogwhistles and none of you agreed instantly!”, or a genuine intent at stating that there was a perceived shallowness in our communal reading comprehension

                and either case just makes no goddamn sense whatsoever, what the fuck