• @Stalinwolf@lemmy.ca
    5 months ago

    Should be a one-way ticket back to Syria. I immigrated here from America seven years ago, blend in seamlessly with the populace, and I still wouldn’t fuck with a Canadian in fear of being deported (I’m also not an asshole). It’s an absolute privilege to be here and I love this country. It’s crazy to me that anyone else would have the opportunity to come here and then squander it by beating the shit out of a peaceful lesbian couple who are trying to enjoy their night. How incredibly brazen.

          • @SleezyDizasta@lemmy.world
            15 months ago

            But conservatives don’t agree with these criminals though. Canadian conservatives are pretty vocal against islamism and violent migrants who refuse to integrate and respect Canadian values, including tolerance of LGBT people. Actually it’s pretty similar in the US too even when the conservatives are more extreme.

        • CyborganismOP
          295 months ago

          I see your point, but I have gay friends here in Montreal that were beat up by regular white dudes just because they were kissing in the street.

          And what about the shootings that happened in the States in gay clubs? Those were white Christians.

          If people are brought up as bigots, they’re gonna be just that. Regardless of their origin or religion. Though I admit, in some places it’s pretty systemic.

          • @Sarmyth@lemmy.world
            105 months ago

            Actually the shooting at gay night clubs in the states are usually not white Christians. The most famous to me was the Pulse night club shooting by Omar Mateen, an Islamic extremist.

            I think it’s safe to say that anyone attacking the LGBTQ community is a religious extremist of some variety though.

            • @Senal@programming.dev
              45 months ago

              Actually the shooting at gay night clubs in the states are usually not white Christians

              citation ?

              (legitimately, i’ve been looking for a useful resource for stats like this)

      • @Stalinwolf@lemmy.ca
        35 months ago

        Ah, I saw this posted in two seperate places, and the first instance stated they were from Syria. I thought this was the same article.

    • @john89@lemmy.ca
      5 months ago

      You shouldn’t face special punishments just because you’re an immigrant.

      This anti-immigration dogwhistling needs to stop. It’s unbecoming for people who aren’t members of the alt-right.

      • A'random Guy
        265 months ago

        Yes you should. You have an expressed interest in moving to a new place, learn the laws. Fit in, adapt. None of this hyper religious dogmatic bs. I too am an immigrant.

        • @john89@lemmy.ca
          5 months ago

          Not really. If their culture has parts about it you disagree with, you don’t need to adopt those parts.

          Ex: If I move to Russia, I don’t have to become a bigot.

          This will only make sense if you’re mentally an adult. If you’re still a child mentally, then going along with what other people do just to please them is the only thing that will make sense to you.

          • @dmalteseknight@programming.dev
            25 months ago

            I mean if you move to a country that has equal rights, I think you should try not to brutally beat an lgbt couple because your god hates the gays.

          • Nik282000
            15 months ago

            Ex: If I move to Russia, I don’t have to become a bigot.

            You kinda do though. If you were to move to Russia and loudly voice liberal opinions you will not have a good time. You might not have to adopt the local culture as your own but you can not go against it.

      • @HereIAm@lemmy.world
        145 months ago

        I mean it’s the whole tolerant paradox right. Why should we tolerate absolute douche nozzles to stay? To make things clear I absolutely despise the far right rise going on in Europe, and speaking from a Swedish perspective I feel part of it started with the rise of the right wing Swedish Democrats. But a big reason they got so much air time is because they were the only ones who talked about immigration at all, so they could entirely steer the conversation. Had the other parties actually come up with reasonable polices around immigration in the first place I don’t think SD would be as popular as they are now.

        • @rekabis@lemmy.ca
          5 months ago

          I mean it’s the whole tolerant paradox right.

          When you view things in the context of a social agreement, there is no longer any paradox.

          If these people have broken the social agreement to be tolerant, they have then intentionally and explicitly removed themselves from that agreement, thereby opening themselves up to intolerance thanks to their intentional and explicit rejection of said tolerance.

          It’s much the same way as outlawing worked in the old days - in the absence of a police force, you willingly agreed to follow laws that had been laid down. If you openly broke those laws in clear defiance of them, you could be removed from their protections. Ergo, you became “outside the law”, allowing anyone to harm or even kill you without legal censure.

          Because if you clearly don’t want to be a part of an agreement, why should you have any right to benefit from it’s protections?

      • @BCsven@lemmy.ca
        55 months ago

        Just human decency, when you move to a new country you adopt their cultural ettiquette and obey their laws. If you move anywhere and tgink you can just be a terrible person while waiting for citizenship, then you don’t represent the country. Its like probation at a job

        • @john89@lemmy.ca
          5 months ago

          Not really. If their culture has parts about it you disagree with, you don’t need to adopt those parts.

          Ex: If I move to Russia, I don’t have to become a bigot.

          This will only make sense if you’re mentally an adult. If you’re still a child mentally, then going along with what other people do just to please them is the only thing that will make sense to you.

      • @SleezyDizasta@lemmy.world
        25 months ago

        I’m a first gen immigrants to the US from Iraq. Immigrants should 100% face consequences for their actions. Immigration is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. People who chose to move to Canada or whatever country have to respect the laws, culture, and customs of the country they’re moving to. If they’re not willing to assimilate or integrate then you get stuff like this. These types of attacks aren’t normal and we shouldn’t normalize them like you’re doing here by trying to coddle these people or give them special treatment because of their backgrounds. If their hateful because their culture or religion is hateful then we have to call them and take steps to ensure that we don’t have that hate spread here. If an immigrant commits a heinous crime, like these homophobes did, and they don’t have citizenship then they HAVE TO get deported. Otherwise there’s no law, order, justice, or accountability. Basically countries like Canada would be no more.