I’ve been using it for a good while now, but figured it’s worth a shoutout incase others don’t know it. one of the few pieces of Go-ware I don’t substantially hate.

I’ve previously slapped together a tiny set of shellscripts for my use of it which you’re welcome to steal from. also recently seen backupninja as something that can use this, but haven’t tried that

  • @selfMA
    21 year ago

    huh, this looks like a great alternative to rsync.net (which I evaluated at one point but didn’t end up using and I can’t remember why), and it led me to discover rclone, which looks like it’ll let me use a number of cloud drives for restic backups or general rsync-like file transfers (and it seems to have recent Proton Drive support, which solves a very specific problem I was looking for an answer to)