I’m seeing two posts from the mods that are sneerworthy content that aren’t meta-posts announcing the de-sunsetting of r/sneerclub. I just wanna know what’s up.

FWIW, I will stay here and probably won’t participate in the subreddit out of laziness.

  • @Soyweiser
    61 month ago

    I’m a bit weirded out that new posts on a year dead subreddit suddenly get ~50-100 upvotes

    • @selfMA
      71 month ago

      to be honest, I’m getting a weird vibe off the resurrected /r/SneerClub in general. that might just be me though

      • @Soyweiser
        101 month ago

        Scabs the lot of them!

      • @YouKnowWhoTheFuckIAM
        1 month ago

        /u/completely-ineffable, who founded the sub, and closed the sub a year ago, literally just made a post! That’s all that happened! I’m distantly in touch with that person! Everything is fine! In fact I’d almost be tempted to theorise it was all a dumb ruse to see if you lot turned out to be crazy people!

        And it seems to have worked wonders!

        Who even put the term “resurrected” in there? It’s one post, followed by a smattering of others including posts bickering about the supposed resurrection! What monstrous goings on are people permitting themselves to imagine?

    • @YouKnowWhoTheFuckIAM
      51 month ago

      People are still subscribed to the subreddit. When a post gets made, it goes on their reddit feed. Lots of mobile users in particular will just have seen it pop up while doomscrolling.