Here’s the list:

  1. Listen more to more Black people – and amplify their voices
  2. Post less – and think before you post
  3. Call in, call out, and/or report anti-Blackness when you see it
  4. Support Black people and Black-led instances and projects
  5. Approach it intersectionally

The full article goes into detail, and also has links to anti-racism resources and appendices with a list of common mistakes to avoid and blocklist resources for moderators.

Thanks to everybody who gave feedback on earlier drafts!

  • pewter
    -21 month ago

    Point 1 is suspect too. Black people have no incentive to let people know they’re black on the fediverse.

    • @selfA
      151 month ago

      this libertarian-flavored version of “there’s no racism on the fediverse because I haven’t noticed any” is somehow even stupider

    • @bitofhope
      131 month ago

      Neat, a double strange loop of a bad take!

      Poster considers “Listen more to more Black people – and amplify their voices” a suspect point, and failing to listen further, misinterprets the advice and makes a non sequitur counterpoint.

      Poster implies qualms with point “Post less – and think before you post” as well, and accordingly posts without thinking much at all.

      That’s some self-consistent jackassery right there.