    1020 days ago

    “Tweets” is a permanent label of the short form message post. Changing it to “posts” is like calling text messages “essays”.

    • TWeaK
      1020 days ago

      Yes and no. It only really applies to Twitter/X and Twitter clones. You wouldn’t call a Facebook post a tweet, no matter how short, nor would you call a reddit or lemmy post/comment that.

      And even then, Mastadon has its own term, toots, and BlueSky calls them skeets.

      Until Twitter comes up with a new name in line with their new branding, I think the business should still be referred to as Twitter. But the business should go bankrupt before that happens, hopefully, the lenders need to call in their debts already.

      • key
        520 days ago

        Why are the alternatives all so defecatory…

        • @IronKrill@lemmy.ca
          220 days ago

          I actually think the poor branding is part of why Mastodon is hard to spread. Can you picture anyone seriously saying they “tooted” something? Because I can’t.

            • Not the same. Twitter and tweets were uniquely brilliant in a way that “toot” will never be. Farts are unpleasant. Bird sounds are very pleasant. Also, Every hear the phrase “a little bird told me”? Or notice how in very old disney movies (which are based on old German fairytales), that the birds talk (tweet) to the heroines as benevolent messengers? Twitter was honestly the perfect name for the company. Mastodon is a terrible name, but better than X

          • TWeaK
            319 days ago

            I dunno, allegedly people actually vote for a man named “Trump”.

          • Mastodon is also just a terrible name for a Twitter alternative where nearly everyone thinks of the format as being tweets (a sound a bird makes). If they had to pick a animal name, then they should have picked a two syllable bird name like Magpie, Pigeon, Bluejay, Robin, Raven, or even a 3 syllable bird like StellarJay, Cockatoo, etc.

      • M. Orange
        320 days ago

        Toot actually isn’t official anymore. They changed it to notes (p sure), but the userbase decided to keep using toots because it’s cuter.