Aside from racism. I mean economically/socially, what issues does too much immigration cause?

    87 days ago

    Doesn’t sound that weird. More people means more people to serve, so more service jobs are needed.

      6 days ago

      and now you need houses for people to live in and people to make the houses, and now there’s more people and they invent things, which makes things better and more people come and there’s more farming and more people to make more things for more people and now there’s business, money, writing, laws, power,

    • Obinice
      67 days ago

      But where does the extra money and infrastructure come from to provide everything they need?

      More people means more mouths to feed, more strain on the limited housing market driving prices and inaccessibility up, more capacity required at hospitals, doctor’s surgeries, schools, all public services (meaning everything from more doctors, nurses, consumables, locations, etc needed), and so on.

      Where does the money come from to provide for the net influx of 500,000+~ people a year, a population increase of some 0.75%?

      I’m not against immigration, welcoming people from other cultures with fresh ideas and outlooks on life is great and I love it, but the strain it places immediately on our already failing societal systems, such as healthcare, education, housing availability, job availability, etc, is very real, and needs to be addressed.

      • @Cryophilia@lemmy.worldOP
        87 days ago

        more capacity required at hospitals, doctor’s surgeries, schools, all public services (meaning everything from more doctors, nurses, consumables, locations, etc needed)

        So, skilled, high paying jobs? More architects, more plumbers, more software developers, more of all kinds of jobs

        46 days ago

        But where does the extra money and infrastructure come from to provide everything they need?

        What is money in the first place? It represents labour and resources. So when a new person shows up, they themselves provide the money in the form of their labour. They are the money.