I still have an old Kindle and it still gets months of battery life. I occasionally read comics so this may get me to upgrade.
I still have an old Kindle and it still gets months of battery life. I occasionally read comics so this may get me to upgrade.
I’d recommend everyone to buy a Kobo over these, it’s much easier to read your own .pdf and .epub files than on a Kindle.
Thanks for this. Was in the market for an e-reader and didn’t really feel like jumping through Amazon bullshit
Kobo is the way.
How’s their store? I’m kind of ashamed at how often I’ll finish a book and then instantly buy and start another, but I also love being able to do that.
I also love my Kobo. I’ve heard you can unlock it and flash a community supported OS, which might be another true benefit over Kindle depending on your needs.
Im just using KoReader on mine. I don’t remember the last time that I’ve seen the stock interface.
Amazon also bought up a comic distributor a while back which may make this easier to get the content I want.
I’ve never had issues emailing PDFs and epubs to my kindle address to read them.
I’ll need to check out kobu though, they have a color one that’s $100 cheaper.
interesting, my mum’s kindle used to regularly wipe all ebooks i’ve sideloaded with calibre, only keeping it in airplane mode helped so far
Can second that email works great to send Epub, never had issues in years
I recommend Boox, I don’t know about their dedicated e-reader, but I have the Onyx Boox Air C it’s a little pricier, but it’s an E-Ink tablet so I take all my notes there. (The C versions are color)
As someone who takes a lot of notes during their work, I can’t recommend enough. Gone are the days I’ve bought paper notebooks.
The only reason I never bought into Boox is their flagrant violation of GPL.
Got a very old kindle for free, from someone getting rid of it. No touch, no backlight, most basic thing ever. I only got my account on it to download a dictionary.
I am never buying anything from Amazon to read on it, but I’ve been using it quite a bit, only on calibre converted stuff. It was not too hard to set up, and once it’s done it’s just drag n drop.
Until it decides to delete every single side loaded book you have on there, which they like to do from time to time. The only way to completely avoid it is to load all your content via email, which unfortunately only supports limited formats.
The type of person to rock Calibre would probably have airplane mode on constantly. Mine’s been that way and I still have epubs sideloaded on my Kindle from when I first got mine all those years ago.
Second this. Airplane mode is on and books are sideloaded. However, if it hadn’t been a present, I‘d probably have gotten a Tolino (German/European e-reader brand that is identical with kobo) because they support epub directly (and yes I know the Kindle technically does that, too, now but wordwise n stuff only works if you convert them to kfx)
Yeah same. Until I accidentally turned it off 1,000 miles away from my computer. That was a sad day.
Same on my still works fine Kindle Keyboard.
Well, good luck to Amazon trying to wipe my kindle remotely with black magic then.
It doesn’t have WiFi configured at all.
When it happened to me I was staying with a family member whose house I’d never been to before, so I didn’t have their wifi. I couldn’t believe it.
Some Kindle devices come with a built-in „free“ cellular plan. Maybe it was that?
Aw man I didn’t even know about that. I guess 4g LTE is Amazon’s “Black Magic”
I mean, in general it’s pretty neat. When I was 12 or 13 I had a kindle touch with 3G and since I didn’t have a phone or computer I used the kindle touch to read a lot on wikipedia (it didn’t work for everything, I think. Just a handful of selected sites). Also, it generally costs extra when you buy it, just not monthly.
Biggest draw to Kindle for me is whispersync. Having my progress synchronized between Audible and Kindle is fantastic.
Where’s the one with unlimited internet connectivity for the lifetime of the device…I’m not seeing it.
My wife has the oasis that has cellular connectivity so she can read newspapers, rss feeds, etc. But I don’t see a Kobu with that feature.
I don’t think Kobo has that option. I just toggle on my wifi hotspot on my phone though and that works just fine.
Where do u go that doesn’t have Wi-Fi in 2024?
Public wifi? Almost everywhere because security protocols changed, and captive portals don’t work on a lot of modern hardware due to DNSSEC
I would agree at this point. I love my Kindle but if I am buying a new one that’s they way I would go
Did a quick google and the first review that came up shows that’s not true at all, it’s the exact same process on a kindle as it is a Kobo, though you and this review are both really over-selling it:
The real reason seems to be that the Kobo is cheaper, honestly, don’t see why the kindle is that much more
You can change the store on the Kobo to become to your selfhosted calibre library
And with a kindle you can just email the file to it
As a Kobo user, I want this too :(
Now I just use the internal browser or use a c to c cable and just use my phone as intermediate
This website allows you do email files to kobo
That’s genius, thanks!