Absolutely. And the Israelis should dismantle the apartheid, end the occupation, get the fuck on their side of their 1967 border, and recognize the sovereign Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. Plus, they should hand over their war criminals to the ICC and start a Truth and Reconciliation process. Throw in paying reparations, because why the fuck not.
Somehow I don’t think though that Pierce Piers Morgan would accept that as a valid answer when he was asking “what should the Israeli government do”. Do you? Because if you do, I will also accept your answer about the terrorist groups. 100%.
I lost my shit when he interviewed Lowkey for the second time, and Lowkey asked him if he condemned Rupert Murdoch because he publicly funds illegal Israeli settlers, providing evidence to support his claim. All the life drained from his face, and he immediately ended the interview.
Absolutely. And the Israelis should dismantle the apartheid, end the occupation, get the fuck on their side of their 1967 border, and recognize the sovereign Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. Plus, they should hand over their war criminals to the ICC and start a Truth and Reconciliation process. Throw in paying reparations, because why the fuck not.
Somehow I don’t think though that
PiercePiers Morgan would accept that as a valid answer when he was asking “what should the Israeli government do”. Do you? Because if you do, I will also accept your answer about the terrorist groups. 100%.I’m up voting both of you and I’m sad about it
I lost my shit when he interviewed Lowkey for the second time, and Lowkey asked him if he condemned Rupert Murdoch because he publicly funds illegal Israeli settlers, providing evidence to support his claim. All the life drained from his face, and he immediately ended the interview.
Isn’t his name piers? I feel like we should be making fun of him for that alone. Like who tf names their kid piers?
Piers Stefan Pughe-Morgan actually, holy shit
“Piers Pussy-pooped WitSilver Spoon”
Pussy-pooped is definitely my word of the day now. Appreciate you spreading the good word.