A fan-created teaser for a remake of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess using Unreal Engine 5 has recently debuted, marking the game’s 18th anniversary. This initiative showcases the advanced graphics capabilities of current technology to re-envision classic titles with stunning realism.

  • Enhanced Environments and Lighting: The teaser highlights improved environments and lighting effects that some fans commend.

  • Character Models and Facial Animations: However, others have expressed concerns about character models and facial animations, noting they appear unnatural within a highly realistic setting.

  • Unofficial Project: It’s important to note these Unreal Engine remakes are unofficial and generally incomplete projects by enthusiasts rather than official games.

  • Rumors of Official Remaster: Insider reports suggest Nintendo may already have a prepared Twilight Princess remaster for the Switch, possibly launching in Spring 2025.

Official Release Anticipation: Given Nintendo’s history of strategic release timing, an official remaster featuring in the launch lineup of Switch 2 is plausible.

What do you think? Would you play the fan remaster in an unfinished state?


  • .Donuts
    84 months ago

    It’s essential to note that these Unreal Engine remakes are unofficial and generally remain unfinished, often crafted as passion projects by enthusiasts rather than complete games.

    While I agree with you… Where did all this come from? Are people saying it’s an official trailer?

    • sp3ctr4l
      4 months ago

      If there actually is a level of discussion going on around this somewhere, I guarantee 90% of the people discussing it are doing so thinking that Nintendo or some independent group could possibly make and release a complete game that looks like this.

      That would be the bedrock of the conversation for many, and then the discussion would be whether or not they should.

      When your opening sentence is:

      A fan-created teaser for a remake of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess using Unreal Engine 5 has recently debuted in celebration of the game’s 18th anniversarry.

      Then later you qualify that these are often ‘unfinished’…

      This is grossly misrepresenting the situation.

      This is not a teaser for a remake of a game.

      A teaser for a remake of a game would be something like Skywind, Morrowind remade in Skyrim, an actually playable game that took a team of probably 40+ modders a decade to do.

      Or the recent Final Fantasy 7 remake… official team of probably hundreds or thousands of people working for around a decade.

      Presenting this as ‘unfinished’ implies to a lot of fanboys/girls that it could be ‘finished’ with a reasonable amount of time and effort, a ludicrous overstatement of what this actually is.

      This is a teaser for some cutscenes and a pre pre alpha tech demo.

      This is a teaser for a 20 minute video made in Source Film Maker. Not a game.

      Framing it as if there is any possibility that Nintendo or anyone could make an actual game that looks like this is preposterous.

      As with most ‘discussions’ around video games, the only people that would be discussing this as if it could be an actual game are either 100% ignorant of how games are actually made, or just delusional.

      And anyway, most people just read headlines.

      What do you think, would you play a fan remaster in an unfinished state?

      Its not a game. Its a well rendered static environment with static characters, and you control a character that has a basic cycle of movement anims, which don’t even support basic inverse kinematics.

      There is no game.

      There are no weapons, there are no enemies, there is no dialogue, there are no quests, there is no combat.

      If you released this as a ‘game’ people would call it an asset flip.

      Which also is not accurate as it looks like this guy did a whole lot of work to make the assets himself… but … theres no ‘game’.

      • .Donuts
        14 months ago

        I see. I agree that this article doesn’t really accurately portray the situation. I’m used to just viewing the source content to filter any SEO-riddled articles that spend 10% of the article talking about what’s actually being reported on.

        So I think it’s a neat teaser, for a presumably full trailer on the 29th.

        • sp3ctr4l
          24 months ago

          The thing releasing on the 29th is not ‘the full trailer’.

          The thing releasing on the 29th is the full cut, the movie, the fan film.

          This is not a trailer for any kind of playable, interactive experience.

          Its a trailer for a short (by movie standards) fan film.

          • .Donuts
            14 months ago

            Yes, a trailer that’s a fan made film as to what a trailer could look like. I thought we already established that.

            • sp3ctr4l
              4 months ago

              ‘Trailer’ typically denotes a video advertisement or showcase for an upcoming … product, film, game, of some kind.

              You’re not outright breaking, but really torturing the definition of ‘trailer’ to mean ‘a fan film that could possibly serve as a trailer for a hypothetical game that will never be produced’.

              You did not clarify that until your most recent post.

              Its pretty confusing to most people to use a word as shorthand for that same word with an additional bunch of extra, highly uncommon qualifiers.

              Its like saying ‘I support genocide’ but what you actually mean is ‘I support genocide of specifically all mosquitoes, tapeworms and malevolent parasites.’

              Then when someone says wtf you support genocide, then you say oh i meant my specifically qualified kind of genocide, and then acting like the other person is weird for not assuming that is what you meant, before you clarified it.

    • graff
      24 months ago

      Outlets desperate for clicks well peddle anything