No illnesses traced to batch as health officials warn consumers to avoid purchase
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No illnesses traced to batch as health officials warn consumers to avoid purchase
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Why do people buy raw milk? Does it have material benefits over pasteurized milk?
They’re idiots. Some believe it’s because pasteurized milk had added chemicals, which isn’t correct, pasteurization is simply heat. But idiots will be idiots.
For others it’s the general anti-science/education bullshit going around now. The crossover with the anti-vax is nearly a circle it seems.
“I’m going to buy the least healthy version of the least healthy kind of milk.” —Folks concerned about their health
I genuinely feel bad. It’s like they’re so close. Going out of your way to care about your health is good. Challenging broad societal assumptions is good. It’s just that this completely fell apart when they arrived at the “now weigh the sources critically” stage. The charlatans who sold them this idea for profit should be in prison.
Can’t cure stupid unfortunately
It’s got vibes. Pasteur was working for big pharma and he didn’t want people to vibe out so hard.
Idiot conservatives (and many ‘crunchy’ people who don’t realize they are idiot conservatives) believe raw milk has more nutrients, that its better to be exposed to more harmful bacteria because that will build up your natural immunity, and can prevent you from developing asthma and allergies.
But none of that is true.
Raw milk has no more nutrients than pastuerized milk.
The ‘crowd exposure immunity’ approach just results in needless deaths and suffering, little to no functional natural immunity increase as bacteria variants evolve too fast, as well as providing more vectors for viruses in birds and cows to jump into humans and then mutate to spread from human to human, a potential pandemic.
And raw milk consumption has no effect on liklihood of developing, nor treating already existing asthma or allergies.
They should also their pork rare. And chicken sushi of course, that’s how animals do it in nature :o)
You jest, but there are also significant numbers of people who advocate eating raw, uncooked meat and organs as well.
Hell, I remember when people drinking urine for its supposed health benefits were extremely rare… now about a decade later, sadly that movement is picking up steam as well.
Americans seem to have a unique and exceptional susceptibility to … literally anything promoted as a health product, all you have to do is package it in enough psuedo science bs, with either a hefty helping of ‘basically all mainstream medical/dietary knowledge is a conspiracy’ or spiritual/aspirational bullshit about manifesting your chakras.
This is a country where at least a third of people believe evolution is fake, where a third believe astrology is real.
Sagan’s nightmare has come true.
It can have some benefits, but in most cases the risks outweigh the benefits. You can read more on where they have studies linked to back up the claims.
For USA specially it’s more of a way to stick it to the government than searching for any benefits.
I’ve seen claims that it has more nutrients in it that are destroyed by pasteurization. There are also probiotics that would be destroyed by it. However, you can get these things elsewhere with less risk of contamination.
It makes delicious cheese. Pasturisation kills bacteria and denatures enzymes that are helpful in making good cheese. After proper aging, it’s safe to eat. Parmigiano Reggiano is made with unpasturised milk.
They buy it because they are easily spooked by long words such as ‘Pasteurization’ and probably fell asleep during the class that talks about all of the diseases that the Pasteurization’ process is supposed to prevent.