• original post detailing mistreatment of employees
  • meta post about how a good rationalist should correctly epistemically assess the fairness of the post cataloguing and confirming the bad behaviour

tl;dr these fucking guys

  • @froztbyte
    510 months ago

    shot: Cult Participation Badges for dedication and effort for Just Thinking Really Hard About Things (supposedly)

    chaser: but how can we be suuuuuuure. it’s, like, so hard, man. also I had a beer with $name once and they seemed great! are you sure you didn’t piss them off somehow?

    also “195 comments” what the fuck find some real hobbies you weirdoes

    • @TinyTimmyTokyo
      10 months ago

      This part of the first comment got an audible guffaw out of me:

      I think that there’s been a failure to inhabit the least convenient possible world°, and the general distribution over possible outcomes, and correspondingly attempt to move to the pareto-frontier of outcomes assuming that distribution.

      Unintentional self-parody of the highest order.