• original post detailing mistreatment of employees
  • meta post about how a good rationalist should correctly epistemically assess the fairness of the post cataloguing and confirming the bad behaviour

tl;dr these fucking guys

  • @TinyTimmyTokyo
    610 months ago

    My attention span is not what it used to be, and I couldn’t force myself to get to the end of this. A summary or TLDR (on the part of the original author) would have been helpful.

    What is it with rationalists and their inability to write with concision? Is there a gene for bloviation that also predisposes them to the cult? Or are they all just mimicking Yud’s irritating style?

    • @mwenge
      910 months ago

      Hey that’s just like your Epistemic State man!

    • David GerardOPMA
      510 months ago

      yes, and Scott’s logorrhea - but not as badly as the neoreactionaries, who imitate Moldbug’s logorrhea